Uncommon Sense | a Study of Proverbs : A 5-Day Studyనమూనా

Uncommon Sense | a Study of Proverbs : A 5-Day Study

DAY 3 OF 5

Day 4: Ready for Feedback

My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the LORD reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.

P R O V E R B S 3 : 11-12

Feedback is no fun. Who loves to hear about work they could be doing better, salads they should be eating instead of burgers, or parenting skills they need to adjust? We often receive criticism from someone trying to perfect or change us into someone they want us to be. This is not the response of God, yet because of our negative experiences, we cringe at His critique.

Perfect love speaks

Proverbs speaks about receiving correction and discipline from God. The way of wisdom is to listen to His correction, because it is part of His perfect love for us. God is in the work of making us into the image of His Son, and that can only be for our good.

Proverbs 3:11–12 tells us that the Lord’s discipline and reproof are rooted in His delight in us. The Lord delights in us! He loves us! We are more readily able to receive correction from people whom we know love us. We trust them, and believe what they have to say is for our good. In the same way, the more we know God’s goodness and trustworthiness, the more we welcome His correction and discipline. He provides a new way forward through God’s Word, through the work and voice of the Spirit, and through others who know and love God. We are strengthened and helped by the Holy Spirit to live it out.

Why do we find ourselves pulling back again? Why do we distance ourselves from God’s feedback? Because correction and discipline can hurt, and because it’s hard to admit that we did not get things right the first time—we were not perfect. We might need to change, and change can be stubbornly difficult when we think of the habits we will have to let go of—habits we have grown to love and rely on. Discipline may not initially feel good, but the invitation to new ways of living is always rooted in God’s love. The results of God’s correction lead to peace and joy.

God invites us throughout Proverbs to trust with our whole heart. To lean on Him with our everything.To trust that the discomfort of correction is momentary and worth it, that He will help us transform our habits. We can rely on Him.


Reflect on a time you pulled back from God’s correction. Why do you think you did so? What can trusting and leaning into God with your whole heart during times of correction look like? In these times,remember, God loves you and delights in you.

Day 2Day 4