A Woman of Valorనమూనా

A Woman of Valor

12 యొక్క 3

 Rebekah : A Woman of Kindness

The iconic fashion designer Oscar de la Renta once said, “The qualities I most admire in women are confidence and kindness.” Jewish sages would agree with de la Renta’s message — kindness is beautiful.

The sages liken the matriarch Rebekah to a “rose among thorns.” She merits that title because of the great act of kindness she performed for Abraham’s servant. When the servant encountered Rebekah at the drinking well, he was tired and parched with thirst. Yet Rebekah not only offered to draw water for him, she also offered to draw water for his camels as well. 

This was certainly an almost super-human feat for a young girl. It is calculated that Rebekah would have had to make dozens of trips to the well to provide enough water for ten camels — that’s about 140 gallons each! 

The fact that she was able to do so indicates that this was not the first time that Rebekah had gone to the well for others. To have that strength and ability, Rebekah must have shared her kindness with countless other strangers. That, say the sages, is what made her beautiful – like a rose among thorns.

Thorns assert themselves. They protrude outward and prick anyone who comes near them. A rose, on the other hand, is soft and gentle. It spends its life opening up, offering those who come close a gift of beautiful fragrance and a pleasing sight. 

The rose and the thorn are two visual aids for understanding what it means to be a person of kindness or a self-centered individual. Selfishness is closed to others, sharp, and ugly. Kindness is open to others, giving, and beautiful.

We live in a world where selfishness reigns. People are far more focused on what they can get than on what they can give. In this me-centered world, life can get a little thorny; people are pricked and bleed. 

Our mission is to be “the rose among the thorns,” to be a bastion of kindness in a sea of selfishness and a true reflection of God’s love. We need to offer hugs and smiles, food and warmth. We need to give generously and love passionately.  

Nothing in the world is more beautiful than that. 


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ఈ ప్రణాళిక గురించి

A Woman of Valor

Every Friday at the Sabbath meal, it is the Jewish tradition for the husband to sing the words from Proverbs 31:10–31 to his wife, praising her as an "eishet chayil," a “woman of valor.” It is the highest compliment one can bestow upon any woman. But what constitutes a woman of valor? The following devotions explore the qualities from the lives of the lives of 11 familiar biblical women.
