Precious Promises Of The Blood Of Jesusనమూనా

Precious Promises Of The Blood Of Jesus

DAY 1 OF 7

DAY 1: The Blood of Jesus is proof that HE LOVES YOU!

You were God’s idea. He loved you before the world began. Revelation 1:5 says “and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and washed us from our sins by His own blood…”

Notice the order in which God does this marvelous work. He loved us FIRST. Then He washed us. He does not love what is washed, but instead, He washes what He loves! That's YOU!

God gave His very best to purchase you and PROVE to you how valuable you are to Him.

The value of something is determined by the price in which someone would pay for it—and God paid the ultimate price FOR YOU! Why would He pay that high a price for something He didn’t value? He wouldn’t. So, His blood is proof of the worth and value He places on you.

Jesus’ blood purchases you for the Father! He paid the greatest price so that you would never have to question His love. He paid for you with His blood to bring you to Him—and now NOTHING can separate you from His Love. (Ephesians 2:13, Romans 8:38-39) The blood of Jesus has brought you right into the presence of God, and into a close, intimate fellowship with God the Father. Enjoy His love today, and believe you are fully accepted in His presence now. 


Father, I thank you that I am loved by You and valued beyond measure! I am so thankful that the blood of Jesus has brought me into close, intimate fellowship with You. I choose to take advantage of the opportunity that I have to fellowship with You and spend time in Your presence freely. Amen!

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Day 2

About this Plan

Precious Promises Of The Blood Of Jesus

This 7-day devotional is packed with precious and powerful promises of the blood of Jesus, that will awaken you to true freedom—and launch you into a power-filled life of love, joy, and unshakeable peace. As you declare these promises over the next seven days, you will see just how priceless you are in God's eyes. You will experience God's outrageous love and never-ending forgiveness like never before! 
