Walking With Johnనమూనా

Walking With John

DAY 16 OF 29


Set Your House in Order 

By: Leslie Leonard 

I can imagine the scene when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem. I wish I was sitting on one of the city walls watching the scene from above, taking in the hustle and bustle of the day: people gathering in the streets, waving palm branches, and shouting “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” as Jesus rides by on a donkey (John 12:13). What a day for celebration! 

Although this time seemed celebratory, Jesus immediately sat with his disciples and others to teach. He was getting His house in order before His departure (John 12:35). 

These are the last words of Jesus’ public ministry. He refers to Himself as the light. Like a candle or flashlight gives light in a darkened room, Jesus Christ gives us a lighted path in our lives, and we are to walk with Him in confidence. Without Him, our vision is dim, our path unclear. We are also told to believe in the light. If we maintain hope and faith, we can continually hone our character to become more Christlike. 

If we as believers do not have our spiritual house in order, we live a life in chaos. We allow the world to rule our lives instead of God. A simple rule to follow is God–Husband–Children–Job–Everything Else. Until you choose to put God first, you will never feel at ease or at peace in your life. While faith is a gift from God, we are commanded to be watchful and stand firm in the faith (1 Corinthians 16:13). We are to nurture our relationship with God by seeking Him. The Scripture, the Holy Spirit, the Gospel, creation itself—all reveal God’s character, heart, and plan. Follow the light He has provided, and become “sons of light.” Here are some great ways to strengthen your faith: 

Pray every day. This does not have to be a very long prayer. Just take a few minutes and thank God for all He has done for you and turn over any issues you might be facing in your life. James 5:16 tells us “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” 

Establish a regular quiet time. Read the Bible, meditate, and look for ways to apply what you have learned. If you have small children, maybe set your alarm an hour earlier so you can have that time alone before they get up for the day. Make the sacrifice. When we seek God first, we will be blessed (Matthew 6:33). Psalm 46:10 tells us, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” 

Attend a small group or Sunday school class. We are called to fellowship with other believers, and a small group in your church is a great start. If you currently are not attending church, make a list of a few you have been meaning to check out and go this Sunday (Matthew 18:20). 

Memorize Scripture. Commit to memorizing one new verse each week (2 Timothy 3:16). 

By taking the time to build your biblical foundation, you will become more spiritually sound. I know your relationship with the Lord will grow deeper and your life will be blessed. 

Will you join me in choosing to set our spiritual houses in order? 

Questions to Ponder 

-Do you take time to talk to God? It’s easy and is just like talking to your best friend, except that He loves you more than anyone else on the face of the earth! God always has time for you and never tires of hearing your voice. 

“If you don’t surrender to Christ, you surrender to chaos.” ~ E. Stanley Jones


Day 15Day 17

About this Plan

Walking With John

Precious Mama, Are you looking for a devotional to use during the Easter/Lenten season to help you to ponder the life, death, and resurrection of our amazing Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? We are so excited here at the Help Club for Moms to begin our journey together "Walking with John" and reading through the 21 chapters of this powerful book.
