Radical by David Plattనమూనా

Radical by David Platt

DAY 3 OF 6

 Radical Focus 

Ask yourself this simple question today: Do you really believe the Bible? Of course you do, right? Maybe not.

For many of us, our belief in the Bible isn’t much more than an intellectual assent. Although an intellectual understanding of the Bible is important, it can’t really be called belief. Belief isn’t measured by intellect; it’s measured by obedience. If we were judged not by our words but by our commitment to do what the Bible says, our answer to the question in the previous paragraph might be different.

We live in a culture that’s always looking for the next thing. We’re constantly on the hunt for the next stage in life, the next step in our career, or the next advance in technology. We’re obsessed with the new.

God loves the new too. After all, He’s making all things new in Christ (see Rev. 21:5). But if we’re looking for new revelation from God, we’re going down the wrong path. God has given us all we need in His Word.

In our lives and in the church, we’re never without revelation from God. At all times you and I have His message in all its power, authority, and clarity. We don’t have to work to come up with a word from God; we simply have to trust the Word He’s already given us. But is that enough for us?

Do you see what was happening? It was an epic battle between the Son of God and Satan. And what did Jesus see as sufficient? What did He rely on? What did He revert to? The Word of God.

This wasn’t the only time either. Read through the Gospels, and you’ll see the fullness of Jesus’ commitment to and love for God’s Word. The Sermon on the Mount is full of references to the Old Testament. When Jesus was making His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Zechariah 9 was on His mind. When He cleared the temple of the moneychangers, He quoted Isaiah 56. Even in His last moments as He was being tortured to death on the cross, He quoted Psalm 22.

It seems pretty arrogant to think we might need something different. If it was good enough for Jesus Christ, I’m pretty sure the Bible is good enough for us too.

The Word of God is absolutely sufficient for us. Again, the question is about our commitment to it. Do we really believe this Book? Do we have a radical focus on God’s Word? If we do, our lives will show it.


Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Radical by David Platt

When Jesus called His disciples, they left everything and followed Him. Careers. Possessions. Families. Everything that was safe and familiar. Jesus expects no less of His followers today. In this Bible study, pastor and best-selling author David Platt challenges the notion that Christians can follow Jesus without giving up our old way of life. Redeemed by radical grace, we are called to a radical abandonment of our agendas, to a radical strategy for making disciples, and to a radical vision for being on mission.
