What If You Were The Plan?నమూనా

What If You Were The Plan?

DAY 16 OF 21

Not long after my birthday one spring, my dad, my mother, and I flew in a small Cessna airplane to pick up my dearest friend. Shortly after takeoff on the return trip, up in the sky, the engine sputtered. Then it quit entirely. My pilot father called for help on the radio but that didn’t work, either. Within milliseconds, we were going down. And fast. 

Suddenly as the plane descended closer to the ground, my dad had to make a decision from two bad options. Should he try to fly over the power lines or attempt to fly the plane under them? Either way, we were headed toward the inevitable. 


Sometimes you and I find ourselves between a rock and a hard place. We can even get there by God’s design. When escaping Egypt, the Israelites found themselves penned in between an impenetrable enemy army and an impasse made of water. But God spoke to Moses and gave some crazy instructions about the dead end. There was no Door Number Three. The choice was ultimately trust God or perish

Does this sound familiar? 

Maybe not to the perish-extreme, but have you found yourself in such a jam that all other routes are downright horrible to worse, and the only alternative was to trust God? There are more expenditures than money. The need for people to serve exceeds the bodies who are willing. Your child with a history of trauma has exhausted your experience and expertise. There is too much responsibility and not enough time in the day. Problems and pressures have burdened you until you don’t know what else to do. 

When we find ourselves in a predicament like this, look to how God instructed Moses and the Israelites. 

Tell the people of Israel to go forward.” 

They were to go ahead in the direction where He had called them, even though it looked impassable. And when the people of God acted in faith, they were able to participate in the miraculous!

God only knows where His Word finds you today. Drink deeply of the truths found within it. Pray it through. Allow them to roll over your heart. Meditate on it until you can recognize, like Moses, when He is telling you to go forward or when He means you to stand still


Day 15Day 17

About this Plan

What If You Were The Plan?

How can we participate in becoming a solution in desperate situations in the world? What is our role? And what does prayer and fasting have to do with it? Not only is it possible but God wants His people involved in problems that seems unsolvable, insurmountable catastrophes, and issues too far gone to remedy. Discover how God can use you to offer genuine hope in utterly hopeless situations.
