Confidence: A Devotional From Sanctus Realనమూనా

Confidence: A Devotional From Sanctus Real

DAY 1 OF 8

This is the real world.

If a lion is hungry he will eat you.

If you are lost in the desert, you will die.

If you are fighting a giant, you will probably lose.

The real world has rules: what goes up comes down. A body in motion remains in motion…. This is what we mean by the natural – the normal. Flesh and bone constrained by nature.

Naturally, some people are better looking, more talented, more intelligent. We organize ourselves by the natural abilities we are born with: singers here, numbers people there. If you aren't sure in which category you belong, there are countless personality tests to help you find your proper place. This is the real world, cold, calculating, bounded by rules and systems. 

But wait…

We’re Christians: Christ-followers. Christ taught something different than the limitations of this “real world.” He said, “believe in me.” He said if we have faith we can move mountains! He said, “peace be still,” and a storm ceased! He multiplied food, and healed natural diseases unnaturally! He did unimaginable things – supernatural things. He lived beyond the natural law, and He offers us this ability as well! 

We may live in the “real” world, but we are not of the “real” world: right? Why, then, do we struggle with confidence? Why do we fight a constant battle with self-esteem and self-worth? Is it because we have yet to understand what it means to live supernaturally? We are so awestruck by the unnatural miracles of Christ we fail to understand that some of His greatest miracles were simple words to a woman caught in adultery, or a Samaritan woman whom society determined worthless. Maybe we forget His message was a kingdom of equality; not an equality of talents, or abilities, but a Kingdom of equal worth. 

Today may you find confidence in the God who is constantly breaking society's laws. You are valuable because He made you, and loved because you are His workmanship. Society may demean and degrade you, because society is made up of people. People following the natural law look for value by devaluing others. What a terrible cycle! 

Jesus came to free us from this cycle! 

Confidence doesn’t come from a system of beliefs, it comes from an experience with a person: Jesus.

Join us in singing our confidence in our God. 

Hear our new song Confidence

Day 2

About this Plan

Confidence: A Devotional From Sanctus Real

Confidence is an 8-day journey with Sanctus Real on facing the giants of our lives. Our lives can feel overwhelming; uncertainty stalks at every turner. But we have something greater than these moments of fear: rather, we have some One! Our confidence is not in the systems that surround and govern our lives. Our Confidence is in Jesus and His promise that He is always with us.
