Am I Beyond Forgiveness? By Pete Briscoeనమూనా

Am I Beyond Forgiveness? By Pete Briscoe

DAY 2 OF 5

How much sin is too much?

To sing a wrong note is insignificant, but to sing without passion is unforgivable. —Ludwig van Beethoven

Is there a line you can cross—a point of no return—that declares you unforgivable? Some of you philosophical readers are thinking, Ah, yes. Absolutely. There has to be a line.

But where would that line be?

Perhaps you’d respond, “Hitler,” because Hitler always comes up in these conversations. I mean, surely a man who kills one person might find forgiveness and redemption. Perhaps even an individual who kills six others can be forgiven. But 6 million? The line must exist somewhere between 6 and 6 million. And if we argue this is true of Hitler, then it’s an easy jump to argue it’s also true for human traffickers, abortionists, child molesters —the list can go on!

Are there certain people who are beyond redemption?

It’s time for the theologians to jump in, saying, “In Luke 12:10, Jesus drew a line! He says that ‘anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.’ This is the line of unforgiveness—the point of no return.”

But what does it mean to blaspheme? Scripture repeatedly teaches that the role of the Spirit is to draw us into a relationship with God. So if the Holy Spirit tries to draw you into a relationship with God, and you say, “No, thanks,” then you’ve blasphemed His Spirit. To say, “No, thanks,” is the spiritual equivalent of giving the Holy Spirit the bird (and I don’t mean a dove). Endlessly rejecting God’s saving work is unforgivable.

Did you notice what isn’t written in Luke 12:10? It doesn’t say that anyone who has killed 6 million people will not be forgiven. Nor does it say that child molesters won’t be forgiven.

The idea that the worse your sin, the less eligible you are for redemption is a lie. It cannot stand in light of Jesus.

If you’ve bought into that lie for yourself or for others, I have some really great news for you.

Jesus, I have a list of things I think should be beyond forgiveness. But if my list doesn’t match Your list, then it’s time to crumple it up and toss it in the trash. Give me eyes to see the world not only as a people who need Your redemption, but also as a people who can all experience Your redemption, starting with myself. Amen.


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