Hollywood Prayer Network On Communityనమూనా

Hollywood Prayer Network On Community

DAY 4 OF 7

RUN A GOOD RACE                                 

I hope everybody could get rich and famous and will have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it's not the answer.” Jim Carrey   

PRAY: Dear God, I pray for the active Christian ministries in Hollywood. I ask that each of them fills a place in Your overall plan to bring Your love, hope, salvation, healing, training, networking, and fellowship into the Entertainment Industry. May You bless the efforts of these ministries and bring great fruit from the work of the Christian professionals who lead these groups. I ask that You use them to bring Christians closer to You, and closer to one another in community, and draw the non-believers to Jesus. Amen
REFLECT: God tells us that we are ALL surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, so we all need to get rid of everything that hinders our walk and our growth as Christians. We need to be aware that we are being watched. Think about how that feels. Have you ever thought about the cloud of witnesses watching the visible Christians in Hollywood? It's very difficult to be in the limelight. The Christians there endure great opposition and become weary and lose heart. Have you ever considered praying for them?
ACT:  Go online to the HPN website: www.hollywoodprayernetwork.org  and pray for the list of active Entertainment Ministries in Hollywood. Pray that they will run with perseverance, bear great fruit, and that the Christians in Hollywood won't grow weary and lose heart. Their community is on the front lines spiritually and they need our prayers.


Day 3Day 5