Sealm 16

Sealm XV (16)
Þone fifteoðan sealm Dauid sang be his earfoðum, ægðer ge modes ge lichaman; and eft swa ilce Ezechias hine sang be his mettrumnesse, wilnode him to Gode sumre frofre; and swa deð ælc rihtwis mann þe hine singð on his earfoðum; and swa dyde Crist þa he hine sang.
1Gehealde me, Drihten, for þam ic hopige to ðe.
2Hu, ne sæde ic þe, Drihten, þæt þu eart min God,
for þam þu me eall þa good sealdest þe ic hæbbe,
and þe heora nan nydþerf nis eft on me to nimene.
3Drihten gefylde ealne minne willan
and me forgeaf þæt ic moste ofercuman
þa þeoda þe me ungeðwære wæron,
and heora hergas toweorpan
æfter minum agnum willan.
4Heora unmiht and heora untrymð is swiðe gemanifealdod;
nu swyðe hraðe hi forwurðað.
Ne gaderie ic nan folc to unrihtum gewinne,
swa swa hi doð,
ne ic ne clypige to heora godum,
ne to heargum ne gebidde mid mine muðe,
5for þam þu, Drihten, eart se dæl mines yrfes
and se calic minre blisse,
and þu eart se þe me geedniwodest min rice.
6Þu gedydest þæt we mætan ure land mid rapum,
and min hlyt gefeoll ofer þæt betste;
for þam is min land nu foremære and me swyðe unbleo.
7Ic bletsige þone Drihten þe me sealde andgit.
Ac þeah he me þara uterrena gewinna gefreode,
þeah winnað wið me þa inran unrihtlustas dæges and nihtes,
þæt ic ne eom, þeah, eallunga orsorh.
8Ic ongite Drihten, and he byð symle
beforan þære ansyne mines modes.
For þæm he bið symle on minum fultume,
þæt ic ne beo eallunga oferswiðed.
9For þæm þingum min mod is gelustfullod
and ic cyðe þa blisse on minre tungan,
and on þæm tohopan ic me syððan gereste,
10for þæm þu ne forlætst mine sawle ne min mod to helle,
ne þinne gehalgodan ne lætst forrotian ne forweorðan.
11Þu me gedydest lifes wegas cuðe,
and gefylst me mid gefean beforan þinre ansyne;
for ælc riht lustbærnes cymð þurh þinne fultum
þæm þe heo cimð on ecnesse.

ప్రస్తుతం ఎంపిక చేయబడింది:

Sealm 16: ASPsa


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