Luke 23
Re Hasiloh Jesus Imol Pilatus
(Matthew 27:1–2, 11–14; Mark 15:1–5; John 18:28–38)
1Resa sudah panger chol ttey we resa hasiloh Jesus imol Pilatus
2le ila lobos la rela sor mokwe resa forudah bo derel Jesus mo iyang: “Hasa ddorfi mal le ye kekangalur yarmat tot formel le ye tafel. Ye kangalur bo re towe ma fang paliyel raeg ngal mala Llulupal Roma ngo ye sor bo iy mele Kristus le iy semal king.”
3Pilatus yesa kasiya bo, “Gel mele yar Jews king?”
Iwe ngo Jesus sa sor bo, “Gel mele ho sor.”
4Iwe ngo Pilatus sa kangalur tamol temarong kowe mo buwa we bo, “Tor mele iy wiri le derel mal le.”
5Iwe resa hakkela dah yalor le re sor bo, “Foloy ka yal mele yesa chapidoh fedeg lepder yarmat wol pangal meka fuluyel Judea. Ye chap yal foloy mo wol Galilee ngo igla iye yesa hola gich.”
Resa Hasiloh Jesus Imol Yerodes
6Yodwe Pilatus yela rongrong molwe ngo sa kasiy, “Ifa sengal mal le, iy semal yeramtal Galilee?” 7Yodwe yela gola le Jesus ila iy semal yeramtal Galilee we Yerodes mele ye lamli ngo yesa fangloh Jesus irel Yerodes. Iwe ngo irel yodla ngo Yerodes ye wol mel wol Jerusalem. 8Ye momay depel Yerodes irel yodwe yela wiri Jesus bo yesa rongrong kaptal ngo sa sulay yal luluwaley loh chog le be wiri. Ye luluwaley le Jesus be foru tot kkemal bo yebe wiri. 9Ye cholop kasiy kala Yerodes ye kasiya Jesus ngo tor mele Jesus ye hatefal ngali. 10Tamol temarong mo mokwe sensel Hatobtob we resa gibwey mo imol pangal yarmat ngo resa hakkela yar hapatpat le re sosor mekla derel Jesus. 11Yerodes mo saldaw kowe lol resa tapeli fedaley Jesus kamemal ngo re hafohoyu fedaley. Iwe resa hamengagu ngali sew mengag kowe ye lelay resa fang tefael loh iy irel Pilatus. 12Iye yodle Yerodes mo Pilatus rela maryarloh iyang bo metamol ngo re tayikof fengal.
Jesus We Re Sor Bo Be Mes
(Matthew 27:15–26; Mark 15:6–15; John 18:39—19:16)
13Pilatus yesa hateyilir yarmat mo tamol temarong kowe mo mal kowe ngo sa kangalur bo, 14“Ha hasidoh mal le irey ngo ha sor le ye tafel mekla ye kekangalur yarmat. Iwe ngo igla iy sa haddogyu le hami ha mel ngo tor mele iy wiri le ye tayikof iyang mo irel pangal mokwe hami ha sor le ye foru. 15Iwe ngo wol ila sengal Yerodes bo wol tor mele ye wiri le derel, le ila fal le sa hatefalidoh irech iyang. Tor mele mal le ye foru le bela yor fal le sibe limeseloh iyang. 16-17Ila ibele fang iy bo rebe wwodu ngo siya tahche.”
18Panger buwa we ngo resa tawulagililoh le re sor bo, “Ha limeseloh! Ngo hasa taldi Barabbas.” 19(Barabbas ila ye kalbus bo fal yal wohehe fedal wulfuluy ngo ye wol limeseloh semal yarmat.)
20Pilatus ye dipli bo be taldi Jesus. Iwe yesa wol tefael ngali mokwe sa moll yal kapta ngalir buwa we. 21Iwe ngo ir resa tawulagili chog le re sor bo, “Ha krudu! Ha krudu!”
22Yela hasluwel yael Pilatus kapatpat ngalir ngo yesa sor bo, “Meda sew formel le sa foru le ye tayikof? Tor mele ngang iwiri le ye tayikof le ye foru le sibe limeseloh iyang. Ibele fangloh iy bo rebe wwodu ngo resa tahche bo be loh.”
23Iwe ngo resa tawulagili le re hartaloh lepal yalor le re sor chog bo rebe krudu Jesus. Iwe ngo Pilatus yesa dabey molwe re sor. 24Iwe Pilatus sa hataldagi bo rebe foru mokwe yarmat re dodongor. 25Yesa taldi mal we yarmat re dipli we ye kalbus bo fael tayikof kowe ye foru. Iwe ngo sa fang Jesus bo re bela foru ngali mele re dipli.
Jesus We Re Krudu
(Matthew 27:32–44; Mark 15:21–32; John 19:17–27)
26Iwe saldaw kowe resa paliloh Jesus. Yodwe re loloh ngo re sa chungu semal mal Cyrene le Simon idal le ye budoh mo irel fuluy kala tot le ye bubudoh wol haplom we. Resa ddorfi resa yetedah krud we uwol bo yebe hasi sa dabey Jesus.
27Sew buwal yarmat re dabedoh miril Jesus. Ye mel tot fefel luwulur le re tetangdi Jesus le ye paleng yalol yar tang. 28Jesus sa tagul sa kangalur bo, “Fefel Jerusalem kala! Ha towe rol tangdiyey. Habe far tangdugmi mo mekla lomi! 29Bo yor yod kala bela hola le yarmat re bele sor bo, ‘Rebe yolbuw fefel kala tor layur ngo tor le re dimolwagili ngo rete ma hadud!’ 30Ila yod kala yarmat re bele kangal tayit ka bo, ‘Pungdiy uwomem!’ Ngo re kangal tagitat ka bo, ‘Lebagulmem!’#Ho 10:8; Rev 6:16 31Hare iye lepal hagerger le re fang ngal sangal le tor derel, ila ngo be ifa lepal yal kkel tot hagerger la rebe fang ngal semal le yor derel.”
32Ye wol mel rumal mael tayikof le re wol hasir bo re bela mes sew mo Jesus. 33Yodwe rela holadoh lobos we rema sor bo, “Liliyel Pol Fusug” ngo resa krudu Jesus mo mal we rumal, le semal mo rewe gilemra ngo semal mo rewe gilchegil irel Jesus. 34Iwe ngo Jesus sa sor bo, “Temay, fahoy depom ngalir bo re togla mekla resa foforu.”
Saldaw kowe resa hamhela mokwe mengagol Jesus uwor le re sulbeli hare mengag kefa mele semal mo semal ir yebe hasi.#Ps 22:18 35Yarmat resa rol su lobos we le re kekamahoy mokwe metal yalor Jews yar tetapeli Jesus kamemal: “Ye yoh le ye hadorar sibis; ila ha ligdi bo yebe hadora iy lufulyal bo hare iy Kristus we Deus ye duwley!”#Ps 22:7
36Saldaw kowe re wol tapeli kamemal: Re budoh irel resa fang ngali wine kowe ye hartal ppal paliyel.#Ps 69:21 37Iwe resa kangalu bo, “Hare gel mele yar Jews king ngo hosa hadorah!”
38Ye teftaf woal molwe krudul Jesus le ye sor bo: “Iye mele King we yar Jews.”
39Semal rechokwe re krud sew mo Jesus yesa hapatpat tayikof ngali le ye sor bo: “Te gel mele Kristus? Hadorah ngo ho hadorahmem!”
40Iwe semal sa kkaftoroy ngali le ye sor bo, “Ho te metagu Deus? Pangach ngo ye hafedeg chog yach hagerger. 41Iwe ngo ligdi bo gich ila sulmesengal le be yor yach hagerger bo fael mokwe si foru we tayikof ngo iy ila tor tayikof le ye foru.” 42Iwe sa kangalu Jesus bo, “Luwaleyey ho Jesus irel yodla ho bela mel bo King!”
43Jesus sa kangalu bo, “Ibe hatugulu ngalug le igla mele hobe mel irey Paradise.”
Jesus We Ye Mes
(Matthew 27:45–56; Mark 15:33–41; John 19:28–30)
44La seg mo ruwow kolok ngo gul loh yaal ngo sa ruchopungloh luwul fuluy yee, la hola suluw kolok; 45iwe ngo mengag we ye hopa lal Templum we sa sahag mo llupwal sala rumadep mo iyang.#Ex 26:31–33 46Jesus sa ttawul loh le ye sor bo, “Temay, isa tehach kofay ngalug!” Ye sor molwe iwe ngo sa mes.#Ps 31:5
47Yodwe tamol saldaw we yela wiri molwe iwe sengal ngo sa hapingpinga Deus le sa sor bo, “Katos bo yaramtale ila semal yarmat le ye momay!”
48Rechokwe re ttey lobos we rela wiri pangal mokwe ye weldoh ngo resa tefael loh lubugter le resa ttugtugu metal wuber irel yal tayikof lal deper. 49Panger rechokwe re gola Jesus mo fefel kowe re dabedoh mo wol Galilee ngo re su chog mo medaw resa kekamahoy mokwe.#Lk 8:2–3
Jesus We Re Leba
(Matthew 27:57–61; Mark 15:42–47; John 19:38–42)
50-51Ye mel semal mal le Joseph idal le ye budoh mo wol Arimathea, le sew haplom mo wol Judea. Iy semal mal le ye momay ngo ye ssor le ye wiwidi chog mala Lamliyel Deus. Wol iy semal chol Ttey we, ngo yete dipli mokwe resa hatugulu we resa foru. 52Yesa loh irel Pilatus sala dangro molwe porgol Jesus. 53Iwe ye sala hachuyadiy molwe porgol Jesus mo wol krud we yesa dugmi ngal sew mengag ye sala yetolong lal sew pey le re kilngilong mo wol pegil sew hohyal le tedyor mwo le ye teptap iyang. 54Irel yodla ngo Halimralel yengang, iwe ngo towol sulay ngo bele hola Sabbath.
55Fefel kowe re dabedoh Jesus mo Galilee ila re dabey Joseph re sala wiri pey we mo sangsengal yar haliliya molwe porgol Jesus. 56Iwe resa tefael ngal mokwe bugter re sala hafle hapgep mo loy kala rebe chalfi ngal molwe porgol Jesus.
Yela Sabbath ngo resa hasoso bo ila sengal le Hatobtob we ye sor.#Ex 20:10; Dt 5:14
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Luke 23: ULI
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