Luke 20

Kasiyel Kofal Mala Kkelel Jesus
(Matthew 21:23–27; Mark 11:27–33)
1Seral le Jesus ye kekaskun yarmat mo lal Templum we, ngo ye fofoloyu ngalir Hapatpat Momay we ngo tamol temarong kowe mo mokwe sensel Hatobtob we resa rol chufengal mo mal kowe yar 2resa budoh irel resa kangalu bo, “Kangalugmem hare iya mele yela budoh kkelem mo iyang le gel hobe foloyu meka ika sengal? Itey le ye fang ngalug kkelem?”
3Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Ha widyey ibe kasiyahmi mwo sew kasiy, igla. Ha kangalyei, 4Iya mele ye budoh molwe kkelel Johannes le be baptismus mo iyang. Ye budoh mo irel Deus hare ye budoh mo irel yarmat?”
5Iwe ngo sa chap yar hachocho fengal uwor le re sor bo, “Meda mele sibe sor? Hare sibe sor bo, ‘Ye budoh mo irel Deus,’ ila ngo iy ye bele sor bo, ‘Meda fal le hate chepar ngal Johannes iyang?’ 6Iwe ngo hare sibe sor bo, ‘Ye budoh mo irel yarmat,’ ila ngo buwa le iga re bele hacchifgich bo ir ila ye tugul lal deper le Johannes ila semal profeta.” 7Iwe resa sor bo, “Ha togla lobos le ye budoh mo iyang.”
8Jesus sa sor bo, “Ila ngo ngang itowe kangalugmi lobole ye budoh kkeley mo iyang le ibe foru meka.”
Fiyongor Chol Hammalel Vineyard We
(Matthew 21:33–46; Mark 12:1–12)
9Iwe ngo Jesus yesa kangalur rechokwe fiyong le: “Fael sew yad ngo ye mel semal mal le ye fadgu sew milayel grape, iwe ngo yesa hafle ngalir sibis yarmat bo rebe kekamale. Iwe ngo iy ye sala malekah le ye ssulay.#Is 5:1 10Yela hola yodwe re bele gilsi grape kowe iyang, ngo mal we yesa hafdaleloh semal boy kowe lol irer rechokwe re kekamahoy milay we bo bela hasi mele yildil mo irel uwal milay we. Chol milay kowe resa lliy boy we ngo resa fang tefael loh le tor mele ye hasi. 11Iwe ngo mal we yesa wol fang loh semal boy kowe; iwe ngo chol milay kowe resa wol lliy ngo re hatalngali fedaley ngo resa wol fang tefael loh iy le tor mele ye hasi. 12Mal we yesa wol fangloh semal boy; ngo chol milay kowe re hasi resa hawsi resa pedawey lugul yoror. 13Iwe yeramtawe yal vineyard we sa sor bo, ‘Ila ngo meda mele iy bele foru? Iy bele fangloh mele layi le iy hachangi; bo ye tugul le rebe hasrowu!’ 14Ngo yodwe chol milay kowe rela wiri ngo resa kapta fengali uwor bo, ‘Iye mal we lol yeramtawe bugtal mele. Siya limeseloh, ila ngo ye be mel mele bo bugtach!’ 15Iwe resa ppediwey mo lugul vineyard we re sala limeseloh mo iyang.”
Jesus yes kasiyar bo, “Meda mele yeramtawe yal vineyard we yebe foru ngalir chol milay kowe? 16Ye bele budoh sa llir mal kala ngo sa ngaler sibis vineyard we bo rebe hammale.”
Molwe rechokwe rela rongrong mele ngo resa sor bo, “Towe yoh mala ila sengal!”
17Jesus yesa kal ngalir ngo yesa kasiyar bo, “Ila ngo meda fal mele ye mel lal babior we ye santus?
‘Feas we chol hasul imw we re pediloh bo tor pelal
mele sala mel bo ila mele ye hartal paleng pelal mo luwol pangal.’#Ps 118:22
18Panger rechoka rebe ppungdiy wol feas la ngo rebe gufedfedloh; iwe ngo hare yebe ppungdiy feas la uwol semal ngo yebe hapetteloh sala wochog mormorol piy.”
Kasiyel Kofal Ffaegel Paliyel Raeg
(Matthew 22:15–22; Mark 12:13–17)
19Mokwe sensel Hatobtob we mo tamol temarong kowe resa memmeal bo rebe dorfi chog Jesus mo loboswe bo resa gola le ir molwe Jesus yesa fiyongo kofar. Iwe ngo re metagur rechokwe re ssoeg loboswe. 20Iwe resa widi ngal sew yad le yebe mmal. Resa ffag paliyer sibis mal bo re bela forurloh le re katos, iwe resa halahor bo re bela mekada Jesus bo rebe ddorfi mo irel yal hapatpat bo hare be yoh le ir rebe fanglong iy lal paol Aamel Roma la yor kkelal. 21Ir spy ka resa kangalu Jesus bo, “Sensey, ha gola le mekla ho sosor ngo ho foloyu ila ye bung. Ha gola le gel ila ho hafidgiloh chog semal mo semal yarmat. Homa foloyu chog mala ye katos le kofal mala depel Deus ngalir yarmat. 22Kangalugmem igla, ye fel mo irel Hatobtob we yach hare ye tafel le sibe fang paliyel raeg ngal mala Llulupal Roma?”
23Iwe ngo Jesus ye gola mekad we yar ngo yesa kangalur bo, 24“Ha kewar ngalyey sefaes faesol salpiy kowe silver. Yongol itey ngo idel itey mele ye mel uwol?”
Ngo ir resa sor bo, “Llulupal Aam we.”
25Iwe Jesus yesa kangalur bo, ‘Ila ngo, hasa fang ngal Llulupal Aam la mekla lamliyel Llulupal Aam, ngo hasa fang ngal Deus ikla Lamliyel Deus.”
26Ye teyoh ngalir le rebe dorfi Jesus irel sepad hapatpat, mo imor yarmat kowe loboswe. Iwe resa poloh le re tay malili bo resa lluwdah irel tefalel kasiy we yar.
Kasiyel Kofal Molow Tefael Mo Irel Maes
(Matthew 22:23–33; Mark 12:18–27)
27Iwe ngo tot mo irer Sadducees kowe re sor bo tor mele molow tefael mo irel maes, resa budoh irel Jesus ngo resa sor bo,#Ac 23:8 28“Sensey, Moses ye tefa hatobtob le bo yach: ‘Hare semal mal ye mes ngo yesa ligdi fefel la ril le tor layur, ila ngo mal la bisil yebe ppaoy ngaliy fefel we bo hare be yor layur bo rebe mel bo lol mal we sa mes.’#Dt 25:5 29Ye mel fismol mal le re bisbis; iwe moal yarmat ye riri ngo tedyor lol ngo yesa mes. 30Iwe ngo molwe harumalel yarmat sa wol rili fefel we, ngo wol tappel chog molwe mele ye wel ngali. 31Iwe ngo iwe hasolmolol yarmat yesa wol rili. Panger bisbis we fismol ngo ye hafedegloh chog molwe ye wel ngalir, panger ngo re rili fefel we ngo re mesloh le tor layur. 32Yela wol miril loh ngo yesa moch mes fefel we. 33Iwe, ralla bela molow tefael yarmat mo irel maes, ngo itey semal ir le be mel fefel we bo ril? Bo iwe panger chowe fismol ngo re ppaoy ngal fefel we.”
34Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Mal mo fefel fael mwole mele rema riri, 35iwe ngo mal mo fefel kala ye fel igeger le rebe molow tefael mo irel maes ila rebe molow irel yodla be budoh ila re towe riri. 36Re bele wochog angelus ngo re towol mes. Ika meka lol Deus bo resa molow tefael mo irel maes. 37Iwe ngo Moses ye halehaloh le ye katos le chomes ila resa molow tefael mo irel maes. Irel lobowe ye kapta kofal peel ire we ye bulbul ngo ye sor irel Samol bo, ‘Deus we yael Abraham, mo Isaac, mo Jacob.’#Ex 3:6 38Te iy yar chomes Deus, bo iy yar chomolow Deus, bo iy ila panger yarmat ngo re molow mo irel.”
39Sibis sensel Hatobtob we resa malili le re sor bo, “Ye momay tefalel kasiy we yamem ho Sensey!” 40Re sor mele bo re tay mechal bo rebe wol kasiya tot kasiy.
Kasiyel Kofael Kristus
(Matthew 22:41–46; Mark 12:35–37)
41Jesus yesa kasiyar bo, “Ifa sengal chog ngo re sala sor le Kristus ila semal chol daowe yal David? 42Bo David iwe ye spegil sor mo lal babior we Psalm we ye sor bo,
‘Samol ye kangal yai Samol bo:
Marro mo rele gilemra irey#20:42–43; Ps 110:1
43yee, la hola yodla iy be yitilir rechokla re tayikof ngalug bo liliyel pechem.’
44David yema ffesang ngali bo ‘Samol’; ila ngo be ifa sengal ngo Kristus ye sala budoh mo irel daowe yael David?”
Jesus Ye Hadpar Yarmat Irer Mokwe Sensel Hatobtob We
(Matthew 23:1–36; Mark 12:38–40)
45Irel yodwe pangal yarmat ngo re tetalenga mokwe ye sosor, ngo Jesus yesa kangalur mokwe redabeyal bo, 46“Habe llugu dipmi irer mekla sensel Hatobtob we, le rema dipli chog bo rebe darfedal le re mengag irel mengag kowe ye lelay, ngo rema dipli le yarmat rebe ma hasaror mo loboka liliyel market le rema toa tteydoh yarmat iyang; rema duwley chog chiya kowe ye musloh mo lal imwel ttey kowe, ngo rema dduwel chog chiya kala liliyer cho tagiyet bo liliyer mo irel gubul kala rema la dabey. 47Yema ffal deper uwor fefel kala sa mes rir, ngo re pere tangir mekla bugtar, iwe ngo rema kkawerwer mapel kala yar le ye lelay. Ila yebe hartal kkel yar hagerger.”

ప్రస్తుతం ఎంపిక చేయబడింది:

Luke 20: ULI


షేర్ చేయి



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