Genesis 6

1And when men began to be multiplied on [the] earth, and had begat daughters,
2the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair, and took wives to them of all which they had chosen.
3And God said, My spirit shall not dwell in man without end, for he is flesh; and the days of him shall be an hundred and twenty years.
4Soothly giants were on the earth in those days, forsooth after that the sons of God entered [in] to the daughters of men, and those daughters begat; these were mighty of the world and famous men.
5Soothly God saw that much malice of men was in [the] earth, and that all the thought of their heart was attentive, either given, to evil in all time,
6and it repented him that he had made man in earth; and God was wary before against time to coming [or to come], and was touched with sorrow of heart within;
7and said, I shall do away man, whom I made of nought, from the face of the earth; from man till to living things, from creeping beast till to the birds of heaven; for it repenteth me that I made them.
8Forsooth Noah found grace before the Lord.
9These be the generations of Noah. Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations; Noah went with God,
10and begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
11Forsooth the earth was corrupt before God, and was filled with wickedness.
12And when God saw, that the earth was corrupt, for each flesh, or man, had corrupted his way on [the] earth,
13he said to Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; the earth is filled with wickedness of the face of them, and I shall destroy them with the earth.
14Make thou to thee a ship#6:14 Throughout Genesis, whenever the “Later Version” refers to Noah’s ‘ship’, the “Early Version” refers to Noah’s ‘ark’. of wood hewn and planed; thou shalt make dwelling places in the ship, and thou shalt anoint it with pitch within and withoutforth.
15And so thou shalt make it. The length of the ship shall be of three hundred cubits, the breadth shall be of fifty cubits, and the highness thereof shall be of thirty cubits.
16Thou shalt make a window in the ship, and thou shalt end the highness thereof in a cubit; soothly thou shalt set the door of the ship in the side beneath; thou shalt make solars or upper rooms, and places of three chambers in the ship.
17Lo! I shall bring waters of deluge, or great flood, on the earth, and I shall slay each flesh in which is the spirit of life under heaven, and all things that be in [the] earth, shall be wasted.
18And I shall set my covenant of peace with thee; and thou shalt enter into the ship, [thou], and thy sons, and thy wife, and the wives of thy sons shall enter with thee.
19And of all living beasts of all flesh, thou shalt bring into the ship twain [or two] and twain, of male kind and female, that they live with thee;
20of birds by their kind, and of work beasts in their kind, and of each creeping beast of [the] earth, by their kind; twain [or two] and twain of all shall enter with thee, that they may live.
21Therefore thou shalt take with thee of all meats that may be eaten, and thou shalt bear together at thee, and those shall be as well to thee as to the beasts into meat.
22Therefore Noah did all things which God commanded to him.

ప్రస్తుతం ఎంపిక చేయబడింది:

Genesis 6: WBMS


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