Following Jesus in the Gospel of Markமாதிரி

Following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

31 ல் 14 நாள்


Look Closely: The word ‘hypocrite’ in Greek means “one who wears a mask” and refers to actors on a stage. In both Mark 7:6-7 and Matthew 15:8-9 Jesus quotes Isaiah 29:13 in reference to the Pharisees and scribes and says they worship with their lips but not their hearts.

-What are the hypocritical actions that Jesus identifies in the Pharisees?

N.T. Wright observes, “By focusing on outward purity, they are avoiding the much deeper challenge of the gospel, the challenge to the human heart.”

-What are some ways we worship with our lips but not our hearts today? (for example, telling someone, “I’ll be praying for you,” but failing to follow through.)

-How does hypocrisy damage the Christian mission to be image-bearers and good-news-witnesses of Christ?

Challenge: One of the themes we are discovering in the book of Mark is Discipleship Failure. Take some time to think of ways you have praised Jesus with your lips and not your heart or used religious traditions as an excuse for practicing sincere faith. Confess these things to Jesus and ask Him to show you how to be more like Him.

நாள் 13நாள் 15

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Following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

In a world of hostility, corruption, and confusion, a regular guy named Mark wrote his gospel to boldly proclaim that Jesus is THE good news. Mark writes with urgency and purpose, giving you a front-row seat to the Story of Jesus. This plan will help you understand that Story through the teachings, miracles, discipleship, and life of Jesus so that you can follow Jesus as his disciple.
