Cross Position: The Believer's Compassமாதிரி

Cross Position: The Believer's Compass

5 ல் 4 நாள்

The Redemption at the Cross

In Numbers 23:21 we encounter a seeming paradox- it says no iniquity is seen in Jacob.

Does this imply that the Israelites did not have even one iniquity? Let's unpack this together for a clearer understanding today.

Before Balaam made this bold statement, King Balak sought to curse the Israelites. However, Balaam, a pagan prophet, could not find any wrongdoing among them while conducting his divinations. In Chapter 24, he observes a striking formation- the tribes aligned side by side in the position of a cross!

This was a foreshadow in the Old Testament pointing to the Cross, showing that where the Cross exists, there is no record of sin. And with no sin record, there are no grounds for an enchantment or divination to stand.

Mankind’s debt to sin made him subject to its demands - much like a creditor could lay claim to the possession of a debtor as collateral pending the payment of the debt. But the Cross paid that debt, redeemed us from its demands, and set us free forever! Thus the believer’s deliverance was completed when he believed in Christ’s finished work on the Cross. There is no curse upon a man in Christ!

"For He has rescued us and has drawn us to Himself from the dominion of darkness, and has transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption [because of His sacrifice, resulting in] the forgiveness of our sins [and the cancellation of sins’ penalty]." - Colossians 1:13-14 AMP

The Cross has positioned the Believer into the Family of God

Remember the great exchange we discussed yesterday? Christ’s work did not only make us righteous and liberate us from sin but adopted us into God’s Family as His Sons!

Before the Cross, we were distant from God, but He brought us in, even giving us His Holy Spirit, like His DNA and completely identifying us with Him.

"So then, you are no longer foreigners and strangers. On the contrary, you are fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s family." - Ephesians 2:19 CJB

Dear Believer, this is our reality today! The Cross caused a change in your position, and a change to your standing. Because you are in Christ, there is no curse, enchantment, or divination against you because Jesus has paid the price for sin.

Instead of a curse, we have the blessing of God and we cannot be dispossessed of the blessing. To reverse the blessing then the finished work of the Cross has to be reversed- which is impossible. You have been set free forever in Christ!

Commit what Christ has done into memory and walk in the fullness of your new reality!

Reflection Question:

How has the truth of the Cross changed your position and standing today?

நாள் 3நாள் 5

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Cross Position: The Believer's Compass

The Cross is so much more than the emblem of our Christian faith. The old covenant ends at the Cross and the new covenant begins at the Cross. Any position in the scriptures that is not aligned with the Cross's position is not the believer's reality in Christ. This 5-day Plan will help you distinguish the difference between wrong positioning versus cross position.
