Biblical Hebrew: Words Revealedமாதிரி

Biblical Hebrew: Words Revealed

7 ல் 2 நாள்


Biblical Hebrew: Words Revealed


The Meaning Behind ”Adam, Isaac & Jesus”


Understanding Biblical Names


You are probably aware that the name of the first man was Adam. But do you know why? According to Genesis 2:7, God “formed man from the dust of the ground”. This is actually a pun. The word for man (Adam) comes from the word for ground (adamah). Now, let's take the story of the birth of Isaac. You might recall that Sarah chuckles when God promises that she will bear a son at the age of 90. But did you know that the original Hebrew name of this miraculous child (Yitzhak) is directly related to her “laughter” (tzhok)? Finally, let's have a look at the birth of the baby Jesus. His original name was not actually Jesus. Originally, he was called Yeshua which means “God saves.” This explains why the angel told Joseph: “You are to name him Jesus (Yeshua) for he will save (Yoshiah) his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).


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Biblical Hebrew: Words Revealed

This week-long devotional examines one word a day, breaking down the Biblical Hebrew meaning behind each word so readers can experience how it was originally intended.
