Sugarcoated: Finding Sweet Release From Cravingsமாதிரி

Sugarcoated: Finding Sweet Release From Cravings

5 ல் 5 நாள்

We don’t need an appointment to seek help from God, the Great Physician, but we do have to put on our big girl panties and take the first step. You might be thinking, “You act as if cleaning up my act is as easy as flossing my teeth. You don’t have a darn clue.”

Oh, but I do. I have walked in your shoes. I have stood alone with my thoughts, wondering why on earth I made such stupid decisions. I have berated myself senselessly for being weak, allowing inappropriate thoughts to course through my head. I have tried to make deals with God, promising to do better if He’d forgive me one last time. It’s tough taking one single step toward healing when we feel burdened and unworthy.

The woman who suffered with constant bleeding for twelve years knew all about burdens and the need for cleaning. You may not be physically bleeding like the woman in the crowd, but it sure seems that way. You may feel misunderstood, isolated, and scared just like her. You may feel past the point of saving, assuming you’ve caved in to temptation one too many times. You may have begged for healing, to feel the warm touch of Jesus upon you. Sweet friend, may I remind you of what Jesus called this woman who merely touched His garment for cleansing, who’d been suffering for twelve long years? He lovingly called her “daughter.”

Let that sink deep into your heart. She asked, He cleansed, He provided relief, and He call her His.

We may feel as if God has more important matters to attend to than our struggles with temptation, habits, or addictions. Praying for deliverance from a nasty habit, we tell ourselves, seems trivial compared to the trials others are facing.

But that couldn’t be further from the truth. God yearns to hear from you, night or day. He is more than able to wrestle your struggles to the ground while managing the hurts of others. He longs to help His children and yearns to hear our cries for help. Whether you’ve hit a bump in the road or blown straight through the danger barricade, He is there to scoop you up and call you His daughter. Close your eyes and touch the hem of Jesus’s garment. He is ready to heal you.

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Sugarcoated: Finding Sweet Release From Cravings

Women everywhere yearn for a perfect life they can never grasp. They want to be successful, attractive, fulfilled, and free from distress, but rather than turning to God, too many try to feast on everything else under the sun. Angie Haskell empowers women to take a hard look at their secret cravings, understand where they are coming from, and get on a path that leads to emotional and physical health.
