Beyond Sunday: 4 Daily Disciplines for a Vibrant Faith மாதிரி

Beyond Sunday: 4 Daily Disciplines for a Vibrant Faith

10 ல் 8 நாள்

Sabbath-keeping is defined as a regular and repeated time of rest that helps us commune with and enjoy God and all He has made (Calhoun, 2015). Sabbath-keeping is something that we should do to enhance and grow our relationship with Christ. We see God set the example of the sabbath at the very beginning of creation. “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day, he rested from all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done” (Genesis 2:2-3).


This featured passage shows how God intends the sabbath for us. He put it at the beginning of creation because we want the Sabbath to be a day that blesses us and provides needed rest from work. We, along with the Pharisees, do not always understand the Sabbath day. Keeping the Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments, and we should not take it lightly. We are to honor and keep it holy. The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27).

The Bible provides the best argument for why we should honor the Sabbath day, but research also provides evidence of its benefits. A study done on clergy members found that those who practiced regular Sabbath rest were more likely to have better life satisfaction and better mental and physical health (Hough et al., 2019). The results of these studies are not surprising because when we give ourselves time to rest and enjoy God, the stress of the week melts away, and the beauty of life is magnified.

Reflection/Discussion Questions:

  • Is Sabbath-keeping something you do every week?
  • How have you experienced the benefits of Sabbath rest?
  • Is it hard for you to put down work or rest from the busyness of life?
  • How do you see Sabbath-keeping blessing and encouraging you?


  • Choose a day this week to be your Sabbath day.
  • Plan restful activities and set aside time for Bible reading
  • Take time for solitude and silence on your Sabbath. Also, intentionally spend time admiring creation. Connect with your family and friends.
  • Keep a journal of your experience.

Closing Prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

I confess that, like the Pharisees, I often fail to fully grasp the true meaning and purpose of the Sabbath day. Please help us understand that it is not a mere formality but a sacred commandment meant to be honored and kept holy. We recognize that the Sabbath was made for us to provide spiritual, mental, and physical restoration, not the other way around.

Lord, may we make a conscious effort to honor the Sabbath as a day of spiritual reflection, rest, and joy. As we seek to find the balance between work and rest, may we experience the profound benefits of following your commandments. We thank You for this precious gift and the opportunity to draw near to You on this sacred day.

In Your holy name, we pray,



Hough, H., Proeschold-Bell, R. J., Liu, X., Weisner, C., Turner, E. L., & Jia, Y. (2019). Relationships between Sabbath Observance and Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health in Clergy. Pastoral Psychology, 68(2), 171–193.

நாள் 7நாள் 9

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Beyond Sunday: 4 Daily Disciplines for a Vibrant Faith

Discover a vibrant faith beyond Sunday with this Bible plan. It's designed for Christians eager to infuse daily life with Christ's love, wisdom, and transformation. Explore spiritual disciplines and practices that make your faith an integral part of every day. From prayer to fasting, you'll find practical tools to live your faith purposefully throughout the week. Dive into a journey of deepening your connection with your Savior.
