Relating With Wealth Biblically மாதிரி

Relating With Wealth Biblically

30 ல் 23 நாள்


Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he swore unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” So, there is a power to get wealth.

There is great danger associated with having an executive mindset as far as wealth creation is concerned. It is this mindset that makes the next generation destroy completely what the first generation laboured to create and build. The executive mindset also makes a professor who has been living on campus for several years remain in the government quarters without building his house. Such a professor hasn’t learnt how to handle life to create wealth since the essentials have been provided by the government. The executive mindset robs you of the critical lessons you should learn to create wealth while journeying through life.

You should not allow any system to make you a permanent slave, unknowingly. One of the characteristics of a slave is that he does not think. Since his feeding, housing, and basic needs are taken care of, all a slave is expected to do is work and be what his master wants him to be. A person with an executive mindset does not have creative thinking to solve life’s issues because he has been so used to others solving his problems for him.

As much as I respect corporate executives in terms of their education, many of them lack the ability to create wealth. Get a world-class education, but add the mindset of an entrepreneur to it.

PRAYER: LORD, destroy completely in me every attitude that leads to penury in life, in Jesus’ name. Amen!


நாள் 22நாள் 24

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Relating With Wealth Biblically

Wealth is not a man’s idea; it is from God. God wants His children to operate in wealth and He gives them power to get it, however, the subject of wealth is highly controversial, not because God has not spoken about it but because of the devil’s opposition to the prosperity of God’s people. In this 30-day devotional, you will learn how to get wealth biblically.
