The Faithful & The Vileமாதிரி

The Faithful & The Vile

6 ல் 5 நாள்

Mary Magdalene, the Passionate Crier

Sometimes the economy of words the Bible uses to describe miraculous events is staggering. When volumes could be written about these events, we read short phrases that pack a powerful punch like... 

“Let there be light.”

“Peace, be still.“

“Lazarus, come out!”


Sometimes less is more.

On one particular Sunday, one woman heard one word and it changed her life forever.

Mary Magdalene and a few other women rose before light to anoint the body of Jesus at the tomb. They had been grieving all weekend. Friday they witnessed their beloved leader and teacher, Jesus, die on a criminal’s cross.

Now the Sabbath was over and they began to do what women always do; they showed up ready to serve. On their way, they realized they had no way of getting to Jesus because no one was able to roll away the stone. But when they got there, they found the stone had been rolled away and an angel was sitting where Jesus once laid. The angel said, 

“Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you to Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you” (Mark 16:6-7).

Instead of rejoicing at this good news, the women couldn’t yet comprehend it. The others ran away in fear, but Mary stayed behind and sobbed from grief, exhaustion, and confusion. 

Jesus appeared and stood behind her. She didn’t recognize him and thought he was the gardener.

He said to her, “Woman. Why are you weeping?”

“Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” Jesus interrupted her grief, with one word. 


That was all it took. He said her name with such a familiar intonation that she immediately knew it was him. With her face in her hands she suddenly stopped crying and stood upright, realizing instantly it was Jesus! He was alive and standing right in front of her! Her only response was to run into his arms and never let him go.

The empty tomb and the risen Christ changed absolutely everything for Mary at that moment. She heard her name, she believed, and she worshipped. 

Today Jesus is saying your name, too. He invites you to also see him as the risen Savior and to respond like Mary did — in worship. Jesus is real, he’s alive, and he changes everything.

நாள் 4நாள் 6

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The Faithful & The Vile

In this plan, we’ll look at six encounters Jesus had on the way to the cross. We’ll see how his perfect sinless life stands in contrast to everyone he meets. You’ll meet a betrayer, a denier, a rioter, a distant admirer, a passionate crier, and two foolish travelers. Discover how Jesus’ faithfulness stands in the place of our wretchedness. These are the eternity-shaping stories of The Faithful and The Vile.
