W W J Dமாதிரி


6 ல் 2 நாள்


What we allow in us will flow out of us. 

When we look at the life of Jesus we see that He knew the Word of God, and the Word shaped his identity and his response. The Word of God was in him and it flowed out of him. In Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus had been fasting for 40 days, and was led in to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted by the devil. He was HUNGRY; yet each time we see Jesus respond with scripture. 

WWJD? If we are to be like Jesus, we must have the Word of God in our hearts and on our lips. We need to be intentional about putting the Word of God at the center of our thoughts and our words. Today, getting more of the Word of God in you can be as simple as memorizing scripture, or doing a Bible plan with a friend or with your Life Group, but whatever you do, be intentional about allowing the Word of God to dwell in you richly. 

Jesus allowed the Word of God to shape his identity. It’s so easy to find our identity in things around us, isn’t it? Our latest purchase, a compliment from a friend, a like on Instagram, but these things are here one day and gone the next. But the great news is that like Jesus, we can find our identity in God. When we have a revelation of who God is, we have a revelation of who we are. God wants to align our identity with His word and the call He has placed on us. When we find our identity in God we can live from a place of confidence, boldness, and freedom.

How can I find my identity in God? Just like the Word of God we must be intentional —what we allow in will flow out. It might look like setting boundaries about what I watch, what I do with my finances, or who I spend time with. It might look like thinking about what I think about—taking thoughts captive that are not in line with what God says about me.  

Finally, the Word of God helped Jesus respond to challenge with faith. There may be things you are facing right now that seem all consuming. Start declaring God’s promises, His Word, over your situation. Declare: God I know you’ve been good before; I know you won’t fail me; I know you are for me. There’s power in our response, and in times of challenge, like Jesus, the Word of God allows our response to be faith filled, courageous, and bold.

So today, how will you respond? Will it be out of fear or out of faith? From a place of doubt or a place of hope? Will I allow the things of this world to define me, or will I allow God to define me? Choose today to fill yourself with the Word of God and allow it to shape your identity and your response. 

நாள் 1நாள் 3

இந்த திட்டத்தைப் பற்றி


WWJD—more than a bracelet or a bumper sticker, it’s a way of life. In this devotional we ask one fundamental question: "What Would Jesus Do?" As we uncover the life of Jesus, what lessons can he teach us about how he lived, what he spent his time doing, and who he shared his life with? We will be inspired to look at our own lives and ask: WWJD?


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