

30 ல் 30 நாள்


Fasting is a good spiritual practice. Martin Luther called it ‘a fine outward training.’ Some people fast to help them reflect on the suffering of Jesus or the plight of those around the world who hunger. Others see it as a way to prepare for a special feast or for the reception of Holy Communion. Like all spiritual practices, fasting can be misused. This is what was happening in Israel in the time of Isaiah. The people were using their fasting as an excuse for being quarrelsome and selfish. God was not impressed. It is easy to think that our pious practices make us right with God, and then go on living how we choose. God wants more. He wants us to have mercy on the oppressed. He wants us to speak kind words and observe his holy days. We miss the mark. Thank God that is mercy is infinitely greater than ours. Thank God he feeds the hungry with good things. Thank God for His promise: ‘I will always guide you and satisfy you with good things.’ (Verse 11)

Dear God,
Guide us this day to live a true life which is pleasing to you. We thank you that you satisfy us with good things. Help us to show mercy to all people and make us defender of all that is just and true.
- Amen

'All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.' - Winston Churchill


நாள் 29

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My inspiration for this 30 days Devotional is from prolonged theological discourses on Justice. My burning desire is to see that the Church becomes catalyst to stop violence against the poor. I am also grateful to Organizations who work relentlessly to secure Justice for the poor.
