The Way, The Truth, And The Life: A 12-Day Reading Planமாதிரி

The Way, The Truth, And The Life: A 12-Day Reading Plan

12 ல் 2 நாள்

You Don't Have To Wander Anymore

When is the last time you were lost trying to get somewhere on time? It is not a good feeling. We use tools to find our way back on track. We call a friend, use GPS, or stop and ask for directions. We don’t accept remaining lost in these scenarios. Why would we settle there in our spiritual lives?

Isaiah compared the nation of Israel to sheep that have gone astray. They were a group seeking their own path instead of following the shepherd's lead. Isaiah 53:6 says all of us, like sheep, are lost. Unlike the Israelites at the time, we have the gift of seeing how Isaiah 53:5 was fulfilled in Jesus' death and resurrection. We have the hindsight of knowing how God fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy.

Jesus suffered, was pained, stricken, afflicted, pierced, and crushed on the cross — for us. He loves us so much that He was willing to take the punishment for our sin (Romans 5:8).

Romans 10:9 says, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” When we take to heart what Jesus did for us, it changes us from the inside out.  

Isaiah 53:5 says, “..the punishment that brought us peace” was on Jesus. Do you have peace? Or are you still searching, trying to find your way? You don't have to search or wander anymore. In a relationship with Jesus, we find peace and freedom. He doesn't give up on us when we get off track or force us to submit to His will. Instead, He waits patiently for us to come to Him.  


  • Is there an area of your life where you feel lost? 
  • What is one step you can take today to bring that part of your life to Jesus?
  • Have you started a relationship with Jesus? If yes, thank Him for this precious gift. If not, what is holding you back?


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The Way, The Truth, And The Life: A 12-Day Reading Plan

Jesus made a lot of claims about Himself during His time on Earth. One of the most audacious claims Jesus made is that He is “the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). You’ve probably heard preachers say, “Jesus is the only way to heaven.” Why is that? Who did Jesus really claim to be? And what does it mean to make Him the standard for truth?
