The Great I Amமாதிரி

The Great I Am

3 ல் 1 நாள்

Jesus is God’s selfie. We all know what a selfie is in our culture today. But, in case you don’t, a selfie is when someone takes a picture of themself. Pretty self-explanatory (no pun intended). 

Now, a selfie can include other people, but it has to include the person taking the photo. If someone off the street takes a picture of you, it can’t be considered a selfie. Why? Because a selfie always reflects the image of the person taking the photo. 

Jesus is God’s selfie. He is the exact representation and manifestation of God Himself. He isn’t just a friend. He isn’t part of the group hopping into the photo. Jesus is God’s selfie. God is invisible to us in His essence. Our finite beings cannot comprehend or see Him, or it would vaporize us. We cannot know His heart, His person and His character intimately because He is the wholly Other who sits outside our realm of understanding. But out of God’s great love for us, He desired to be known by us. He wanted to be seen by us. So, in order to do that, He had to come to us in a form and fashion that we would be able to understand. He had to be both man and God simultaneously, which, although this gave us a greater glimpse into who God is, also created a larger gap for those who would not believe. 

In John 8:48-59, we come across my favorite name of Jesus. It is the name, “I Am.” When Jesus introduced this name to us at this moment in history, He drew many in closer to God. But He also pushed many more away. This is a name you cannot halfway embrace. Either Jesus is “I Am,” or He is a liar. You may think that is a harsh word to use about Jesus, but even He says He is a liar if this is not true (John 8:55). 

The context of the name “I Am” shows up in the midst of a heated discussion. Not long before, Jesus had forgiven the adulterous woman and driven away a number of angry, hypocritical and judgmental men who sought to stone her. His miracles of healing and driving out demons had given Him a reputation by this time. Jesus was someone to be reckoned with, yet not everyone knew how or where to place Him. Was He a good man doing good things? Was He of the devil using demonic powers? Was He… God? 

Consider for a moment how Jesus must have felt during this heated discussion that we read in John 8:48-59. Jews and Pharisees encircled Him and pounded Him with questions and accusations. Words became harsh, quickly. One person accused Him of having a demon. To which Jesus unloaded a soliloquy of sorts, a somewhat personal reflection, but also for the benefit of the others. After all, Jesus was speaking to those He came to redeem. The sins He would carry on the cross were their sins. Not only that, but the blood that coursed through their veins was blood He created. The skin that held their organs in place was skin He held together. The air they breathed was air He made and preserved each and every day. It was His genius that prepared a place in which humanity could live, food could be produced and regeneration could occur. It was His strength that held the stars at bay so that they would not tumble too close and destroy the planet. His energy infused the sun. He gave life to each person standing there nodding in agreement that He might have a demon in Him.

If you would like to hear more from Dr. Tony Evans, we would like you to have a complimentary downloadable mp3 of a sermon on the power of the Word. Simply click here.  

நாள் 2

இந்த திட்டத்தைப் பற்றி

The Great I Am

Not only is the name of God a declaration, but it is one of the most powerful names of Jesus. In this reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans teaches on this powerful name and what it means to us as believers.
