UNCOMMEN: Husbands Part 2மாதிரி

UNCOMMEN: Husbands Part 2

5 ல் 2 நாள்


Ephesians 5:33 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

So you want respect, do you? Do you put in the work to earn respect? In today’s culture, we see entitlement in many forms and if we can be honest here—it never looks good. To say, “I deserve something that I’ve not earned” just doesn’t make sense to anyone.

So if you have married someone and think you are going to sit on the front porch or couch, bark out orders, speak to her like you would an object, be lazy and think you’re going to get her respect, you are mistaken. 

When God made Eve, He created Adam a help meet. Do you know what Adam was to Eve? Her help meet. They complemented each other as to where when one is weak the other is strong. After all, God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” 

I can only speak from what I have seen from my Dad’s generation when it came to being a husband and how he, my uncles, and friends treated their wives. Let’s just say, there were issues. You know what has changed since then? Unfortunately, it seems like not that much when you look around. We still leave way too much of our role as a husband to our wives to handle. 

Genesis 2:15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. 

As you can see, we have been called to more than what most of us are currently doing. You don't need to be perfect tomorrow, but what matters far more than production is an effort. In no time you’ll be loving her, and she’ll be respecting you. 

After all, respect works both ways.

Uncommen Questions:

Does your wife show you respect? 

Do you feel you’ve earned the honor to be shown respect?

Uncommen Challenge:

If you notice in the Bible verse, it has two parts. One doesn’t work without the other. Husbands, love your wife as yourself. How is your wife supposed to show you respect if you don’t show her love? How are you to show her love if she doesn’t respect you? You both do what God has instructed you to do, and that fulfills the scripture verse.

Scripture Reference:
Ephesians 5:33


நாள் 1நாள் 3

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UNCOMMEN: Husbands Part 2

The duty of being a Godly husband for your wife didn’t cease after the marriage ceremony. It’s a daily calling God has placed on your life. Join Uncommen as we plunge into real, practical topics you face every day.
