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What Jesus Said About Money and ProvisionMfano

What Jesus Said About Money and Provision


Practical guidelines for giving

Proverbs 11:24-25: One gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds what is right, only to become poor. A generous soul will prosper, and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.

The following is from a book by Greg Ogden: Discipleship Essentials

1. Give cheerfully. God loves a cheerful giver.

2. Give regularly, not haphazardly. Give to your local church, but feel free to give to other causes and individuals. Make sure you listen to the Holy Spirit on where to give.

3. First, give to God and then pay your bills, instalments, etc. If you do it the opposite way, you will never have enough to give to God’s work.

4. Give even when finances are tight. The money is, in the first place, not yours. You cannot outgive God. Do not give so that God will provide you with more. Give because you love God, are thankful for His provision, and because giving is a privilege and responsibility.

5. Give sacrificially. C.S. Lewis has helpful advice: “I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is more than we can spare.” If you give only according to what you think is “rationally” responsible, you will not give.

6. Give your tithe. Today, many people have all kinds of arguments as to why they believe giving a tithe is not necessary. It is at least a good rule to start with a tithe. Some argue that Jesus said, “Everything belongs to God.” It is true. And then they use the argument to give less and less.

7. Give in faith. Do not just give out of your abundance. Faith always has an element of risk. This is a principle of good stewardship. Giving is more than just a “financial transaction.” It also involves giving to the point where you need God to provide.

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What Jesus Said About Money and Provision

All of us need money. Many people are driven by fear and greed when we talk about money, but Jesus and the Bible have much to say about this topic. Please study this reading plan carefully. It is full of practical help.
