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Sports Maturity: Competing as an AthleteMfano

Sports Maturity: Competing as an Athlete


Day 4: Arrogance/Pride

Thoughts for Further Reflection

God hates idols. Idols are anything you put before God—this includes your own will and choice. Oftentimes scripture refers to this behavior as rebellion because we are choosing our own will over the will of God that’s spelled out in the word of God. James 4:7-8 tells us what must happen in order to have Satan flee from us. We must choose to humble ourselves! Will we choose to submit to someone else’s authority (God’s authority)? We must choose to resist the devil. This means that we don’t flirt with the line of what is “too close” in our thoughts or actions, what our eyes take in, what we meditate on. We must first come close to God. THEN the Devil flees. THEN God comes close to us. But we get to choose if that happens or not.


God, your word says that rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness (stubbornly choosing our own way) is like the sin of idolatry (1 Samuel 15:22-23). Please forgive me for putting any desire or want or fear above you. Forgive me for any participation in manipulation of any form to get what serves me and for any way I’ve bowed my knee to another lord in pursuit of selfish gain. I don’t want to do anything you hate—to be an enemy of God would be a terrible thing. Help me to choose you and your ways, to always be on your side instead of asking you to take my side (Joshua 5:13-14). Amen.

Main Idea

As an athlete, I compete to win the eternal prize and a legitimate earthly prize, one not marred by harming myself or harming others.

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Sports Maturity: Competing as an Athlete

Competition can be harmful when it becomes a source of worship for you—either you worship the glory itself or what the title of "athlete" gives you, things like money, influence, or identity. If you don’t know from the outset what you’re competing for, you’ll miss the real prize and be easily enticed away from your original passion for the game and the full use intended for your athletic gifts.
