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The Sacredness of Secular WorkMfano

The Sacredness of Secular Work


As we saw yesterday, Christ’s death and resurrection were sufficient to redeem every square inch of creation. The disciples knew this, which is why they giddily asked Jesus when he would reveal his kingdom in full.

But in his final words before his ascension, Jesus turned the disciples’ attention away from the timing of the kingdom and toward a task—specifically, the task of serving as his “witnesses" (see Acts 1:6-8).

Expounding on the original Greek of that passage, Tim Keller explains that the word “witnesses” means “more than simply winning people to Christ…The church is to be an agent of the kingdom…ordering lives and relationships and institutions and communities according to God’s authority to bring in the blessedness of the kingdom.”

“Authority” is the keyword there. Because while “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to [Christ]” (see Matthew 28:18), our King has chosen to delegate that authority to you and me. While Christ has inaugurated the eternal kingdom of God, he has given you and me the task of implementing it. This is exactly how God has been working since the beginning of this cosmic drama!

Think about it. In Act 1 of The Unabridged Gospel, God inaugurated the first creation, but he didn’t finish it. He created Adam and Eve and tasked them with the First Commission to make culture and further implement heaven on earth. Adam and Eve failed, ensuring our need for a Redeemer (see Act 2). In Act 3, Christ has saved us “not by works.” But he has saved us for “good works” in Act 4, where we all stand today—specifically the “good works which God prepared in advance for us to do” (see Ephesians 2:8-10).

You see, “Redemption is not just about being saved from sin,” explains professor Nancy Pearcey, “it is also about being saved to something—to resume the task for which we were originally created.” The good news of the gospel is not just that I get to go to heaven when I die, but I get to partner with God, revealing heaven on earth until I die.

But unlike Adam and Eve, who had a single vocation, you and I have a dual vocation today: the First Commission to make culture and the Great Commission to make disciples.

“The new calling to make disciples does not negate or cancel out the original calling to create culture,” explains pastor John Mark Comer. “It’s a both/and….a dual vocation.”

But as important as our work is today, we must remember that God alone will finish the work of “thy kingdom come” in the fifth and final act of history. It is to that conclusion of The Unabridged Gospel we will turn to tomorrow!

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The Sacredness of Secular Work

Many churches today preach an abridged version of “the gospel” that 1) makes it impossible to see the sacredness of your "secular" work and 2) unintentionally diminishes the power of Christ’s redemption. Join me in this six-day plan as we unpack The Unabridged Gospel that makes much more of your vocation and, more importantly, our Savior!
