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Ask, Seek, Knock: 3 Keys to Unlocking Heaven Through PrayerMfano

Ask, Seek, Knock: 3 Keys to Unlocking Heaven Through Prayer


After we’ve removed several blocks, the next key in our prayer life is positioning ourselves to knock.

Now, when we start talking about preparing ourselves to hear from God, I have to admit I become very excited. There are several great stories in the Bible about getting into position, and the narrative that just jumps at me right off the bat is the story of Samuel.

The story of Samuel gives us a great road map on how to position ourselves before we hear from God. We will direct our attention to 1 Samuel 2 & 3.

I sincerely believe in this process of positioning ourselves to knock, and hear from heaven — and Samuel teaches just that. The first thing we see and recognize here is that Samuel is just a kid. This is a simple truth, but extremely significant when preparing ourselves to hear from God.

We must become a child again, just as Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 18:3 when he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

We cannot go into our prayer time with a know-it-all attitude; we must humble ourselves to the one who knows all! Remember, God is omniscient!

The second thing that stuck out to me during my study time can be found in 1 Samuel 2:18, which says: “But Samuel was ministering before the Lord — a boy wearing a linen ephod (embroidered vestment).” This is the second time we see Samuel ministering before the Lord. However, in Hebrew, this word is translated as worship.

As we learn how to position ourselves, we must also determine how to worship God — not just any type of worship but a holy and set-apart type of worship. Jesus tells the Samaritan woman in John 4:24 that a time has come where true worshipers will worship in spirit and in truth. (Paraphrase)

And we can see evidence of this even in the way Samuel dressed. Samuel wore the ephod, which literally was a garment that God directed priests to create and wear to show that they were set apart.

We must worship God even in how we dress.

The third way that Samuel teaches us about positioning ourselves is found in 1 Samuel 3:1. It says: “…Samuel was ministering before the Lord under Eli.” This is the third time we see Samuel ministering — and, as we now know, worshiping — but in this context, the worship is slightly different. As we read on, the passage says, “In those days the Word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.”

In the original text, “ministering” also means “waiting” in Hebrew. And as I was meditating on this, the Spirit of God said to “add a ‘K’ to your worship.” You see, as Samuel was waiting on the Word of God you would find him Wor-‘K’-Shipping under Eli. As we wait on God’s divine Word, we must be found working just as Elijah found Elisha working in the field before he went into the ministry.

We should also honor God with the work we perform with our hands, which can also be seen as a form of worship. Colossians 3:23, 24 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Samuel was set apart because his work was set apart.

The last thing I will share about positioning oneself is something about where Samuel slept. Eli was lying down in his “usual” place, but not Samuel. He slept in the temple of the Lord, where the Ark of God was kept.

If we want to hear from God we must place ourselves in His presence and rest there. Like I stated in the last post on prayer, to hear from God we must be obedient and also be in the right place.

Tell me: What other place would we rather be than in His presence if we are earnestly seeking to hear from God? One interesting thing the Holy Spirit pointed out to me was that even though Samuel left his restful position thinking Eli was calling him three times, the future prophet returned and laid in the temple near the Ark of God. He came back to be in God’s presence because that’s where he heard God the very first time. Where is God calling you? Back to church, prayer closet, or even out in nature? Wherever it is, God wants intimate alone time with you as you learn how to abide in Him and in His presence.

Why do we seldom come back to the place where God first talked to us? Stop running and come back!

Brothers and sisters, we have this awesome opportunity to position ourselves to knock on heaven’s door and receive our instruction for God’s next move.

Question: Are we going to forfeit hearing the voice of God for the entertainment, amusement, and cares of this world?

As I continue to mature and grow in the things of God, I see no better place to spend my time than in His presence. That is where I will position myself. And this is my prayer for all of us!

Father, thank You for the opportunity to come into Your very presence today. Give me the gift of discernment to point out the things that are distracting me from worshiping you, not only in knowledge but in spirit and in truth, too. Father, when I finally get to that place, teach me how to wait and rest there. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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Kuhusu Mpango huu

Ask, Seek, Knock: 3 Keys to Unlocking Heaven Through Prayer

These 3 keys could unlock everything! Have you ever prayed and felt like Heaven’s doors were shut? Well, you are not alone. Many Christians have felt this way. However, what if you had the keys to unlock doors and activate a constant line of communication from the throne room of God? Join Damien as he shares 3 fundamental Kingdom principles that will get Heaven’s attention immediately.
