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David - Faithful Servant, Friend and KingMfano

David - Faithful Servant, Friend and King

SIKU 2 YA 15

To be faithful means that you stay loyal and steadfast. A faithful person is someone who can be trusted and doesn’t give up when things get tough. Can you think of someone you know who is like that? How would you describe them?

God rewards those who serve faithfully. Serving faithfully doesn’t mean we serve just because we want to be rewarded; the rewards may not be what you think. David served faithfully long before he was king. He didn’t wait until everyone was looking before he started being faithful. God looks at the heart and saw that David was a person who served faithfully no matter what he was doing. David was faithful in caring for sheep, serving Saul, with the Israelite armies, and facing Goliath. David served God faithfully.

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