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New Creation: A Study in 2 CorinthiansMfano

New Creation: A Study in 2 Corinthians

SIKU 4 YA 13

What does it say?

Human bodies are clay jars into which God has placed the knowledge of His glory.

What does it mean?

Clay jars were ordinary, everyday containers – easily cracked and broken. The value was in the content of the vessel, not the container itself. Paul describes himself as a weak vessel with no power of his own to accomplish God’s will. Even though Paul felt the wear and tear of his temporary, earthly body, he was confident of an inward and permanent renewal of his spirit. God proved His power was at work in the midst of Paul’s suffering. His eternal viewpoint on difficulty resulted in true humility, allowing God to receive the glory for Paul’s accomplishments in this life.

How should I respond?

What current pressure is causing your “jar” to crack? Without cracks, there’s no chance for God to display His supernatural power in the face of suffering or everyday troubles. As you see God working in your circumstances, let His light shine through your pain or suffering by telling someone what He has done. It’s not easy to view the hard things of life as temporary, but that’s exactly what they are when compared to eternity. God’s power is displayed in the ordinary lives of flawed people. Be one of His cracked pots today.

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New Creation: A Study in 2 Corinthians

In his second letter to the church at Corinth, Paul encourages believers to live in the identity Christ has provided for them. Although as fragile and mundane as jars of clay, God’s people hold the inestimable treasure of the gospel in their lives (2 Corinthians 4:7). 2 Corinthians reminds us that we are ambassadors for Christ, tasked with showing and sharing God’s good news of reconciliation for all who believe (2 Corinthians 5:20).
