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Money Matters: Devotions from Time of GraceMfano

Money Matters: Devotions from Time of Grace

SIKU 29 YA 30

Saving Money God’s Way: Pay Your Debts ASAP

Have you ever heard of the generational theory? The concept is that there are very different cultures, including money cultures, depending on how old you are. People from the Depression/World War II generation (the “Builders”) hate debt, whereas people from the iPod generation (the “Millennials”) tend not to worry about borrowing. Builders pay cash; Millennials get credit cards.

When it comes to borrowing, the Builders are wiser. Every financial planner worth a dime will tell you to pay down debt as rapidly as possible. Interest payments just eat up cash. Out-of-control debt also destroys your credit score and makes it harder to get a decent loan on really important things like a home.

Paying down debt ASAP also applies to personal loans from relatives or friends: “Do not say to your neighbor, ‘Come back later; I’ll give it tomorrow’ when you now have it with you” (Proverbs 3:28). That’s not only good financial advice. It may also save a relationship.


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Money Matters: Devotions from Time of Grace

Money matters are often difficult to discuss. But the Bible has plenty to say on the topic. These devotions, one for each day of your month, will provide you with insights and wisdom from Scripture about God’s view of money.


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