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Chasing The LightMfano

Chasing The Light


What’s in a Quiet Time?

I’ve always felt guilty about my morning “quiet time” because the idea of silent prayer, reading, and journaling has never inspired me. So I once asked a Jewish rabbi friend what he thought Jesus’ “quiet time” might have looked like. He laughed at the idea of a “quiet time” because for centuries Jewish daily devotions have been anything but quiet! He told me that his daily devotion included public reading of Scripture, singing in worship, and praying loudly while walking and moving his whole body. It’s anything but quiet, he told me.

So when Jesus did His “devotions,” it’s likely it would have looked less like sitting on the end of His bed with head bowed and eyes closed—and more like a worship concert.

How will this idea change your “quiet time” today?

[Click here to join the BibleInPhotos community and get daily devotions]


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Kuhusu Mpango huu

Chasing The Light

Photographers often describe what they do as "chasing the light," because light makes photography possible. As followers of Jesus, we are all chasing the Light of the World so we can become more like him. Taken from his ...


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