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Go Deeper With GodMfano

Go Deeper With God



Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

—Galatians 6:10

There’s a time gap between planting a seed and harvesting the fruit. In Galatians 6, God promises that what we reap in life will have direct connections to the seeds we sow—and that we shouldn’t give up simply because the harvest hasn’t occurred yet. In verse 10 we’re told that we should take advantage of every opportunity we have to do good for people and especially for other followers of Jesus.

Now, that all sounds great but, practically, what does it mean?

When I show up at the beach on a lunch break to snag a few waves, there’s no time to sit around. I notice that at the water’s edge is a person in need of wax and I have some. But I’m in a hurry! I don’t want to stop and chitchat or walk back across the sand to get the wax. I’ve got to be back at the office soon. I want to hit the water and get barrelled!

Well, this passage teaches that, if I pass through life focused on myself and ignoring opportunities to “do good” for others, I’ll grow into a certain kind of person who eventually finds he is lonely, selfish, maybe even bitter, rotting from the inside out.

Or I can take those opportunities to do good to others, and Jesus will use them to mold me into a person who resembles Him in character and priority. He can help me become the type of person who follows Him into the abundant life.

But here’s where the deception comes in: it’s not an all or nothing type of thing.

You and I might say, “Well, I’m not rotting on the inside, so I’m OK.” The Devil tries to tempt us with pride as we say this. But we all have little bits of corruption in us; moments of selfishness that allowed to grow unchecked will soon choke our lives with bitter fruit.

Part of knowing Jesus is allowing Him to weed those areas out of our lives and instead sow the fruit of the Spirit as we take the opportunity to do good to others.

Today, why not pray for God to open your eyes to an opportunity in the surf community around you to help others, especially believers. Then ask Him to strengthen you to act on it. You might see the fruit of that prayer sooner than you think.

Go Deeper:

  • Think back over your week so far. Did you blindly walk past people in need? Did you decide not to help someone because you were busy or caught up in your own stuff?
  • Ask God to remind you to watch for people in need as you go about your day. Ask for eyes to see them and hands to help them… and watch what He does through you!


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Kuhusu Mpango huu

Go Deeper With God

There comes a time in every surfer’s life when he or she graduates from the learner’s break and paddles out to join the line-up. And the same is true of your faith in Jesus. If you want to handle the big waves that come your way in the ocean of life, you need to go deeper with Him. This plan takes you further in your faith development—and deeper with God.
