Chapa ya Youversion
Ikoni ya Utafutaji

7 Tips to Build Healthy RelationshipsMfano

7 Tips to Build Healthy Relationships


Did you throw out the garbage? 

Have you ever moved from one house to another? It’s painful, isn’t it? Sore backs, tense nerves, stress, and a few broken pieces of glass are common consequences of the packing and moving adventure. My wife and I have done it over a dozen times in decades of marriage. 

One particularly strenuous move that comes to mind is a perfect illustration of the principle we will highlight today: the power of forgiveness. Forgiveness is like throwing out your garbage daily instead of carrying it with you.

On this particular move, by mistake, I packed a large bag of garbage in the moving truck instead of throwing it away. By the time we unpacked the truck, it smelled horrible. It stunk because we packed garbage and brought it with us. 

Many people I’ve counseled have a bad habit of carrying old relational garbage into new relationships. The Bible commands us to “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.” (Ephesians 4:31, NIV)

Forgiveness is the number one tool to ensure you no longer sabotage your future because of your past. Old hurts, disappointments, abuses, and pain need to be thrown out by the power of forgiveness. Did you know that forgiveness is a process? 

There are three stages in the process of forgiveness. Let’s start with the first step today.

Step one, the ACT of forgiveness, is so powerful. During this stage, you will need to speak it out: “Lord, I forgive my mom, dad, uncle, or…” When those words come out of your mouth, your brain will hear your declaration, and your feelings will be released. The spiritual impact of these words is immeasurable. Jesus said, “‘For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.’” (Matthew 6:14, NIV)

Forgiveness is for you. It helps you take out the garbage. You need to do this because you are a miracle. 

Your friend, Paul Marc Goulet

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7 Tips to Build Healthy Relationships

All of us have read the 10 Commandments. They are amazing and frightening at the same time. These are not recommendations—these are God’s commandments. Pretty important, right? in this reading plan you find out how you can build healthy relationships.
