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Living a Righteous Life in GodMfano

Living a Righteous Life in God




In Paul and Silas' missionary journey, obedience and sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit played a great role in the victory and spread of the gospel to the Gentiles in Europe. Bringing the gospel to people is not by our own will and plan but through the power of the Holy Spirit. God is pleased when we obey the leading of the Holy Spirit and not by our own will. 

Paul and Silas were empowered by the Holy Spirit throughout their mission trip. They learned to lean on God's will instead of their own plan and will, therefore reaping the blessings of their obedience to the Holy Spirit in their mission call among the Gentiles. 


The blessings of obedience to the Holy Spirit:

1. Obedience brings new disciples to Christ and strengthens churches (v.1-5)

Apostle Paul began his second missionary journey by visiting again some of the churches he had planted on his first trip. On his first trip, he had come to the towns of Derbe and Lystra; and evidently, a young fellow named Timothy comes to Christ and becomes Christ's disciple. 

The legacy of Paul's obedience to God impacted Timothy and caused him to follow and obey God's calling in his life too. He became a leader and a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ, and Paul described that Timothy was his true spiritual son (1 Timothy 1:2). 

The fruit of Paul's and Silas' obedience to the Holy Spirit brought encouragement to the churches they visited. They strengthened their faith and more souls were being added to the Kingdom of God every day.

2. Obedience to the Holy Spirit will open new territories for Christ (v. 6-10)

Verse 6: Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia.

Paul was intending to make an eastward turn, apparently to go more deeply into the interior of Asia Minor (modern Turkey). We do not know how the Holy Spirit prevented Paul from turning eastward. The Bible texts simply say that the Holy Spirit kept them from doing so. However, here we could see God forbade Paul to go eastward. Paul, in his obedient and sensitive heart, obeyed God's leading. 

We can learn through this experience of Paul that when God shut down the door at the east, God will open a new door on the west. God showed him a vision of a man asking him to go to Macedonia and therefore new territory was open for Paul to preach the gospel.

3. Obedience to the Holy Spirit open the hearts of people to respond to God (v. 11-15)

Verse 14: Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of purple cloth from the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God. The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul. 

We cannot enforce salvation to others but only the Holy Spirit could change and transform the heart of the people. It is not our duty to force others to receive Jesus but our duty is to obey the Holy Spirit to when, where, and whom we are going to preach the gospel. 

In those days, Paul and Silas were led by the Holy Spirit to Macedonia instead of going to Asia. Paul received a vision from God seeing a man asking him to come to their place. They travel from Troas to Macedonia and found Lydia there, and she became the first person converted in Macedonia. Lydia extended the invitation to Paul and Silas, and other co-workers to come and stay at her home and that led to many to come to faith.


Nowadays even in the midst of a pandemic, the challenge of sharing the gospel to unbelievers is not impossible if we learn to submit and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit in us. The Holy Spirit will lead us on how, where, when, and to whom we are called to preach or share the gospel. It is a matter of listening and being sensitive to His voice and leading. This will happen if we will submit ourselves fully to the Holy Spirit leading in our life. 

The Holy Spirit always is at work and always speaking. He wants to reveal unto us His plan, His will, and how we are going to preach the gospel and to whom. We just need to spend time soaking ourselves in His Word and in His presence that we may able to obey His will upon our life. 


a. Do you have a specific revelation from the Holy Spirit but you have difficulty obeying it?

b. What do you think is the hindrance to you in obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life?

c. Are you willing to surrender your personal plan and will when the Holy Spirit directs you in another door of His plan in your life?

siku 2

Kuhusu Mpango huu

Living a Righteous Life in God

This plan will help to remind us to have a righteous life in God
