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Ikoni ya Utafutaji

Kill the Noise Mfano

Kill the Noise


Shiny Objects

Sin is fun. Seriously, think about it for a second. If sin hurt when you were doing it, everybody would be living perfect lives. The devil would be off by himself all lonely and frustrated, because nobody would be giving in to temptation. But that’s not how it works, is it? Usually, sin feels really good. It is attractive and enjoyable. Often, it just takes a “Wanna try it?” for us to dive in headfirst.

Satan knows just the right “Wanna try it?” to suck each of us in. Just like dangling a shiny lure in front of a fish will make it bite, he knows he only needs to drop a sparkling temptation in our line of sight for us to chomp on the hook. He is the master fisherman and he’s been doing it for years. We’re just a bunch of curious fish looking for the next shiny object life gives us.

We must always be on the lookout for the devil’s shiny objects. God warned Cain before he killed his brother, Abel, “You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master” (Genesis 4:7). He’s telling Cain, “Dude, you’ve got to decide ahead of time that you want to do what’s right. That’s the biggest part of the battle. If you don’t, sin is just waiting to take you down.” Cain didn’t listen, and the world’s first murder was the result.

When we decide to live holy lives, doing what God says is right and not doing what He says is wrong, God gives us all we need to make it happen. First, He gives us two feet. Remember Joseph? What did he do when Pharaoh’s wife was after him? He did the 100-yard dash and got himself out of there. There’s nothing wrong with saying, “Okay, I’m getting ready to give in. I’m out of here.” In fact, that’s a pro move.

The second and greatest help God has given to us is the person of Holy Spirit. In Galatians, Paul talks about the fruit of the Spirit – those things that will naturally grow in us as a result of being filled with the Holy Spirit. One part of the fruit he lists is self-control. The strongest self-control is not self-generated; it is Spirit-control, and it comes from the Holy Spirit. Quit trying to live the holy life on your own.

Are you ready to stop sinning and live how God wants you to live? Do you want the good and joy-filled life He has planned for you? Take time now to ask the Holy Spirit to give you the power to say “No” and the strength to run away when “No” isn’t working. Ask Him to help you to recognize the shiny objects that Satan is dangling in front of you, so you can stop getting hooked by temptation. Instead, look for what God has for your life. Satan’s goal is to reel you into sin, and sin leads to death. God, on the other hand, has something much better waiting for you. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

Fully Committed means being on your guard. We’ve all seen videos of people staring at their phones as they walk headfirst into a pole. That’s how most people are when it comes to temptation. They’re so caught up in the day-to-day of life that they are oblivious to the spiritual world around them. Then – BAM!! – they walk right into sin. You need to strive to be temptation-aware, knowing that the devil is looking to take you down. Bring the Holy Spirit in on it. He can see what you can’t. If you ask Him to be your spiritual eyes and ears, you’re guaranteed that temptation will never catch you off-guard.

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Kuhusu Mpango huu

Kill the Noise

Too many people are playing at being Christians, and some haven’t yet taken even the first step of belief. No matter where you are in your spiritual walk, Jesus wants you closer. He’s got a perfect plan for your life – a plan for purpose, peace, joy, and eternal life. All it takes is you deciding that the poser life is not for you. You’re going to be fully committed!
