Chapa ya Youversion
Ikoni ya Utafutaji

Speak to Your MountainMfano

Speak to Your Mountain


 Speak to Your Circumstance 

The Bible holds some remarkable stories. When Joshua and Caleb entered the promised land with a whole new generation of people, God said they were to destroy their enemies. They would fight thirty-nine battles in their quest for a new land where Israel would live. Their first battle was at Jericho. But instead of preparing for battle like most armies, God told them to do several strange things. Jericho had walls that their weapons could not penetrate. God said he had already given them Jericho; they just had to take it. But how? Here were the instructions:

· He and his men were to walk around Jericho one time.

· They were to do this for six days.

· Seven priests would bear seven trumpets of ram’s horns before the Ark of the Covenant.

· On the seventh day, they were to walk around the city seven times and then blow the trumpets.

· On the seventh blow, Joshua and his men were to shout.

· Upon this shout, the walls would fall down!

I have often pictured this ridiculous scene. Imagine what the generals of his army must have thought. Joshua has lost his mind. Are you saying we are not going to have to scale the wall?—let’s get real, Joshua! God doesn't work that way! I am sure some wanted to defect by this time, but that is not recorded in the story.

Faith sometimes appears as foolishness to onlookers. God asks us to do strange things to see if we are going to be obedient.

When I was dating my wife, there was a period where she had to move from her current home to another home before we got married. She had five dogs. It was not easy finding a rental home that would allow five dogs. We finally found a home that was just right and accepted her dogs. We placed an offer on the house. We were going to meet at the house that day for a second look. The owner of the rental company happened to be a former client of mine. I called him and made our offer. He put me on hold and said, “Os, you will need to hunt for another property. This one has been contracted by an executive from Apple. His credit is good, and that is normally what will disqualify someone.”

I called my fiancé and told her the bad news. “I guess we don’t need to go to the house now,” I said.

“No! That is my house! We need to go to the house and walk around it and claim it.”

“Are you sure, honey?” I said.

“Yes, that is our house!” We went to the house, walked around it, and claimed it for my wife,  just like Joshua walked around the city. We canceled the contract in prayer.

A few hours later, I got a phone call from the owner of the business. He said, “Os, I have no idea what happened to this contract; the client has changed his mind. The house is yours if you still want it.”

I had to repent for my lack of faith. 



I decree that:

1. God will bless me abundantly so that in all things at all times, having all that I need, I will abound in every good work.

2. God has made me strong and of good courage to overcome all obstacles and circumstances.

3. I will prosper because I will not turn to the right or left, but I will keep my focus on God. All my circumstances will work together for good.

4. I will meditate on your law both day and night so that I will be prosperous and have success in my work and life. Difficult circumstances allow God and me to solve problems together.

5. I will be courageous and not afraid because God has promised to be with me wherever I go. I will see negative circumstances as my opportunity for growth.

6. I am able to do immeasurably more than I ask or imagine, according to God’s power that is at work within me.

7. I will operate in faith, believing that my faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

8. Whatever I ask in prayer, I will receive if I have faith.

9. My faith will not rest in men’s wisdom but in the power of God.

10. Nothing is impossible with God. I will see all circumstances as an opportunity.

Decrees based on the following Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 9:8; Joshua 1:3–9; Hebrews 11:1; Matthew 21:22; Luke 1:37; 1 Corinthians 2:4–5; Romans 8:28



Living a life of faith and not doubting is the demarcation line of a healthy and exciting life with Christ. If we are not experiencing the life of God in all we do evidenced by answered prayer and miracles, we are simply living a life of religion. In Acts 5, we see the lifestyle of the apostles and those who witnessed faith in their lives. Notice their reactions to the apostles’ lives. “And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch. Yet none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed them highly” (Acts 5:12–13 NKJV). The people admired the apostles at a distance, but they did not join them. These were spectators of the activity of God. Today commit yourself not to be a spectator of God’s activity in others. Paul said his preaching was not with wise and persuasive words but a demonstration of the power of God working through him (1 Corinthians 2:4). Ask God to move in your life so that you can see his activity in and through your life.


siku 5siku 7

Kuhusu Mpango huu

Speak to Your Mountain

This 7-day Bible study is adapted from my devotional book, 31 Decrees of Blessing for Your Work Life. We will examine the various circumstances in scripture and real-life stories of application of these verses to your daily work life. In this study I’ll share stories of those who are living out the scripture and how you can apply it in your life daily.
