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Trusting God When The Road Gets ToughMfano

Trusting God When The Road Gets Tough


Trusting God When It's Hard 

by Asher Woltermann

There was a season where I moved to California to attend ministry school. I was trusting God, He had told me to go, so I went. While attending this ministry school, I needed to simultaneously find a job. I had a Master’s degree in education, so I thought it would be easy to find a job! 

Well, it wasn’t. Months and months went by and I could not find anything. Turns out that the ministry schools’ 2,500 other students also needed jobs for the same time frame as I did, since we all had the same schedule. I was beginning to get desperate! I was ready to work wherever I could find a job – Old Navy, Starbucks, In N Out Burger. It seemed impossible to find anything! Low and behold, after months and months of praying, feeling frustrated and depleting my savings account, I found something.

While on a camping trip, I bunked with a girl who happened to be working as an online teacher, teaching children in China. It felt like everything was finally beginning to come together. This job aligned with my gifts, interests and skills. Plus, it fit perfectly with my schedule. 

However, trust doesn’t always look the way we think it’s going to. The outcome doesn’t always look the way we want it to. “Perfect” for my schedule meant that I had to wake up at 2:00 a.m. and work until 6:00 a.m. I had to put in some hard time, but it really took care of me and the pay was good. 

After a few months, I moved home from ministry school and I thought that finding a new job would be a piece of cake. Well, this time it was even harder! However, I had that previous experience to pull from. I remembered how God came through for me then, and I reminded myself that He’s going to come through now, too. I believed it. Of course, I still wavered in that sometimes, but for the most part, I really believed it. And guess what...He did. God came through. It took another six months but I was given two different job offers, back-to-back, that I didn’t even interview for! 

God is so good. Even when it’s hard and it doesn’t always turn out the way we think it will, trusting in Him is so good. 

“God, help me to remember Your faithfulness throughout all of history and not just my lifetime. I choose to trust You even when the storms on the horizon look stronger than I believe You to be. I choose with will, not my emotions, to follow You wherever You lead me.”


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Trusting God When The Road Gets Tough

The worship team from Crossroads Music will challenge you to trust God in all aspects of your life – in the big and small things. They’ll share relatable and encouraging real-life stories of what it looks like to trust God in the midst of the unknown, the messy, the scary and the everyday moments of life.
