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How You Can Overcome Temptation: Video DevotionsMfano

How You Can Overcome Temptation: Video Devotions


The Temptation To Cheat   

Of all the temptations that come our way, the temptation to cheat is one of the hardest to resist. Whether it’s a few small fibs on your tax return or a white lie to get ahead in the office, it seems easy to justify a small amount of wrongdoing for a potentially large gain. But God hates cheating… so how do we resist this powerful sin?


  • Have you ever been on the wrong end of someone else’s cheating? How did it make you feel to know you’d been duped or ripped off?
  • Have you ever been in a position to cheat someone else? What kinds of thoughts raced through your mind as you stared down that temptation? What was the outcome?
  • What do you think lies at the heart of the temptation to cheat – for you, personally? A desire for more money, or popularity, or power? 
  • Spend some time today in prayer. Ask God to reveal your own inner motives, using the light of His Word, and to show you how to hand your heart of hearts over to Him.


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How You Can Overcome Temptation: Video Devotions

In this life, temptation is unavoidable. No matter how much you love Jesus, whether you’ve been following Him for a day or a lifetime, you will face temptation. That’s just a fact. So what do we do when it comes? Join Christitanityworks’ Berni Dymet in a new video devotional series to explore what temptation is and where it comes from – and how you can overcome it.
