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Cornelius FastMfano

Cornelius Fast

SIKU 5 YA 21

Day 5 – Made clean


Peter understood well the Jewish dietary laws (Nu. 11, Dt. 14) What he was permitted to eat and not eat was ingrained in his thoughts. The vision Peter saw, however, contained a mixture of animals, reptiles and birds, some of which were clean and others that were not. Contact with reptiles would defile them all. We see, of course, that God was preparing Peter to mix with the Gentiles - a total reversal of his way of life.


Lord, You are the only one who can provide forgiveness and cleansing from sin. Only through the power of the cross am I made clean. I receive this for myself. I believe this as I pray for those who do not yet know You.

siku 4siku 6

Kuhusu Mpango huu

Cornelius Fast

Explore the story of Cornelius and how he used his circle of influence to invite family and friends to hear the gospel. For more information about this fast go to
