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Joshua - VS the WorldMfano

Joshua - VS the World


God defeated Jericho before Israel crossed the Jordan. 

Israel was not to raise a sword to take Jericho, nor were they to plunder it. They were to worship God in faith and to destroy everything and everyone that was not set apart for God.

Once destroyed, God – through Joshua – cursed the rebuilding of Jericho. Whoever returned to Jericho to rebuild it would do so at the cost of their offspring. This terrible curse came to pass in 1 Kings chapter 16. Modern archaeologists discovered the bones of children placed in jars and inserted into Jericho’s rebuilt foundations.

God defeated the world for us. If we reinhabit the sin of this world, we do so at the peril of those closest to us. Like the curse of Jericho, our children often pay the highest price for our rebellion.


  • Memorize John 16:33
  • Describe a time when you wanted to return to the sins of the world.
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Joshua - VS the World

We have three enemies, the world, the flesh, and the deceiver. In the book of Joshua, Jericho represents the world. God trained Israel in the wilderness, baptized them in the Jordan, and circumcised them as they camped ...


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