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Springforth: A New Thing DevotionalMfano

Springforth: A New Thing Devotional


It's All About You Jesus

Whatever platform life gives you to spring forth, whatever stage your skills elevate you to, always remember to give praise and glory to the One who sits above, the One who owns the throne in heaven and unquestionably does as He pleases. When you choose to take God’s glory for yourself, then essentially you have set yourself up as an idol, a deity, a god; and by doing so, you engage the fury of Jehovah, and with idols, God will never share His glory.

Many times, we find ourselves in promoted positions, high up the ladder of affluence, influence, authority, and power, and then forget that we are merely dust, having achieved such elevated status by grace–HIS grace. When we forget God and make it all about ourselves, that’s when pride sets in and as we know from scripture, pride destroys lives – both physically and spiritually; God moves against those who are prideful.

Proverbs 3:6 says that in all our ways we should acknowledge Him, and He will, in turn, direct our path. God is not acknowledged when we make it all about ourselves and brag about the things that HE has given us the power to do or to acquire as if it was by our own strength. When we acknowledge God, when we put Him first and give Him the glory, then He is glorified, and in His sovereignty and majesty, He is able to choose to decorate our lives with His glory.

It's never about you or me; it should always be about Him. The whole earth is full of His glory; even the heavens declare the glory of God. So, be careful to give Him the glory always, not just in your closet, but publicly too. And don't go around bragging about the supposedly righteous things you've done and the activities you've engaged in that were once impossible but made possible by God. When you continually humble yourself in honour and worship Him (God), and His glorious majesty; only then will you be lifted up and experience His glory.  

Let Us Pray: 

Father Lord, thank You for life. Thank You for Your grace and Your mercies, which are new every morning. Thank You because You have established me and lifted me up. All that I am is because of You and for that, I return all the glory to You. Help me to always remember that You deserve all of the glory and that I can only partake of Your glory as You permit. Decorate my life with the kind of glory that the world will see and praise You and You alone. Shine through me and in me, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

siku 2

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Springforth: A New Thing Devotional

Springforth - This devotion has been designed for the new and maturing Christian to grow in their faith walk with Christ. Written by two sisters, Mercy Fakoya and Debbie Akinkunle, this short collection of devotions is an extract from their devotional handbook and uses real-life struggles, scenarios and successes to help the reader Spring into the newness of life that Christ died for.


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