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Who Is God?Mfano

Who Is God?

SIKU 3 YA 14

We know God through Scripture 

We know God through scripture. Scripture is not merely a preserved copy of eyewitness testimony, but is itself God-breathed, living and active (Heb 4:12). The words written down by prophets and apostles are the words of God. God has breathed them as one exhales during speech. 

Thus through scripture we can know God truly through what he has told us about himself. 

What would it look like to read scripture knowing that it is the actual words of the God who made, rules and knows all things? 

I pray for my church – that we would encourage each other to treasure knowing you through your words in scripture. Help my pastor to be committed to boldly proclaiming and teaching scripture. Amen. 

siku 2siku 4

Kuhusu Mpango huu

Who Is God?

"Who is God?" is perhaps one of the most commonly asked questions in all of history, if we haven't said it, we've probably thought it. We're all on a journey of discovering in greater detail in answer to this question, t...


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