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God’s Advice For Wives Mfano

God’s Advice For Wives


Build Up Your Husband 

Half the battle in our commitment to build up our husbands is simply to be more aware and intentional about speaking words of life—both to our husbands and about them. In the marriages I’ve admired most, the wives seem to be aware that their words can have a positive impact on how the husband sees himself and how others see him.

For example, I’ve noticed how Susie’s eyes light up whenever she sees her husband, Bob. I’ve listened to the words she speaks to him and about him to others. She treats him as though he’s very special to her, and without even knowing it, she makes him shine. 

I once mentioned to Susie that I really liked the way she treated Bob. She replied, “I’m always careful about the words I speak. So much damage can be done by our words. I’m always telling the younger women to watch how they talk to their husbands. Once spoken, words can’t ever be taken back.”

Perhaps we’d be more careful if we knew the full impact of our words. We learned earlier about the importance of guarding our thoughts. We’d be wise to place a similar emphasis on guarding our words. The Bible encourages us to do just that: “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3 NIV).

From time to time, I do a little exercise which I call a “word fast.” I simply avoid speaking negative or critical words to or about anyone for an entire day. It’s not as easy as it sounds. A word fast causes me to carefully watch not only what comes out of my mouth but also the thoughts that give birth to those words. I’ve learned that guarding my tongue is no small matter. 

The Bible continually reminds us to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Our words have such power. It’s important not only to believe in our husbands, but from time to time we need to tell them so.


  • What kinds of words would tear down your husband? What words would build him up? What are some ways you can speak words of life to your husband?
  • There are times to say it, and times to pray it. What are some ways to know when it’s better to pray about something than to say it?
  • Are you willing to go on a “word fast” one day this week? At the end of the day, write down what you learned and apply those lessons to your life.
  • When was the last time you spoke harsh words to your husband? Now that you’re not in the heat of the moment, what gentle response can you have ready next time?
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God’s Advice For Wives

Practicing God’s command to honor your husband is a powerful way to build a happier, healthier marriage. Join author Marilynn Chadwick for this eight-day study to discover how honoring your husband can strengthen your marriage, help you dream big together, and create a culture of honor in your home.
