Chapa ya Youversion
Ikoni ya Utafutaji

Yoke Breaking Anointing.Mfano

Yoke Breaking Anointing.


Every Yoke Is Destroyed.

A yoke, in agriculture times, was a type of harness that was bound to the necks of a team of animals that were used to plow and till the land. Oftentimes, stronger oxen were yoked to “weaker” or “non-conforming” oxen in an attempt to tame, guide or control weaker animals. One of the signals that informed the master as to when it was time to release the yoke from the younger oxen, was when the weaker or non-conforming animal began to replicate the pattern of the stronger animal on its own. Training of the weaker animal was complete when the weaker animal no longer needed to follow the instructions of the stronger animal. This “yoking principle” applies to spiritual matters as well. Just as the farmer used yokes to tame oxen, in order to plow the field, the enemy uses “yoking” tactics like addiction, lust, fornication, sickness, and disease to keep you bound and yoked to oppressive spirits, as a means to control you and to redirect your purpose.

However, when you are in Christ, every yoke of bondage is destroyed. Every demonic tactic is completely obliterated. When you are in Christ, every demonic yoke that tries to grip your heart and your family, must release you and let your purpose go. All Power and Authority belongs to Jesus Christ. He is more powerful than any demonic yoke or stronghold that tries to keep you bound. No demonic force can beat Christ — nothing can withstand Him. When you are in Christ, you are His Own — you are on His team. You have the power to choose who you will be yoked to, Christ or Satan. In Christ, every demonic yoke is broken and no weapon that’s formed by the enemy’s hand has the power to rule over you. You’re free in Christ Jesus. “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.” Isaiah‬ ‭54:17‬ ‭KJV‬‬


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Yoke Breaking Anointing.

Through these daily devotionals, discover how you can overcome every tactic, trap, and snare of the enemy. “Yoke Breaking Anointing”, was designed to teach readers how to deploy God’s Word and disarm the enemy’s war tactics. Discover how through Jesus Christ, addiction, lust, depression, sickness, and all power of the enemy is defeated. Become victorious and allow Christ to break every yoke of bondage from your life.
