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Kingdom Entrepreneur Insights: The Book Of ProverbsMfano

Kingdom Entrepreneur Insights: The Book Of Proverbs


Collective Wisdom in Godly Counsel

One of the mistakes some Kingdom entrepreneurs make once they embrace a lifestyle of working in partnership with God is to assume that nobody else is needed now that you’re praying and discussing your business with Him. 

Yes, you have direct access to the wisdom of God through the Holy Spirit who guides you in all truth, but that wisdom is not always found in your one-on-one conversations with Him. God also speaks and gives you wisdom for your business through others who provide godly advice and counsel. You have blind spots that others can help you fill the gap on. There are others who have perspectives that may be helpful to you based on their experiences in areas you have yet to experience.

I struggled for years with expressing the mission of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur, even after having greater clarity of how God desired for me to serve entrepreneurs in the body of Christ through the organization. When people asked me about our mission, I would answer them with, “To activate a community of entrepreneurs that will demonstrate the power, presence, passion, and purity of God in the marketplace.” However, nobody knew what I was talking about! Those were the words burning in my heart and yet they didn’t resonate with others. It was through the counsel of a God-sent advisor named David Lykken that I was able to take what God was speaking to my heart and communicate it in a way that was clear. Our mission then became: “To inspire, teach, and mentor Christian entrepreneurs to be led by God in business so they experience His best and have a greater Kingdom impact in the marketplace.” People now understand it and resonate with what we’re doing, and communicating that point with clarity served as a catalyst of growth for our organization. 

As a marketplace leader, you need the advice of others but who you take counsel from is as important as the need to receive it. Psalm 1:1-2 says, “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked, or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.” Be careful about the counsel you receive for your business from those who aren’t rooted in the word of God and led by the Holy Spirit. Ask God to reveal those who can be a source of godly wisdom for you. You may choose to set up an advisory committee of trusted godly men and women, get a Spirit-led business coach or mentor, and/or enjoy the mentorship and wisdom found through sermons, books, and podcasts that can all help you along the way on your Kingdom-driven entrepreneurial journey.  

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Kingdom Entrepreneur Insights: The Book Of Proverbs

The Book of Proverbs provides practical instruction, wisdom, and insights for life from King Solomon.  This reading plan by Shae Bynes of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur provides insights from the book of Proverbs that will encourage and strengthen you on your entrepreneurial journey.
