Luke 22
The sorrowfuʼ Supper — the last and tenderest! The Son oʼ Man enters intil the mirk.
1And the Feast oʼ the Sad Breid, caʼd the “Pasche,” was comin on.
2And the Heid‐priests and the Writers war coonsellin hoo to get him oot oʼ the way: for they were fearʼt oʼ the people.
3And Sautan enterʼt into Judas, the ane caʼd “Iscariot,” bein ane oʼ the Twalʼ.
4And, gaun his gate, he coonsellʼt wiʼ the Heid‐priests and Captains, in whatna way he micht gie him up to them?
5And they war blythe, and trokit wiʼ him to gie him siller.
6And he made a paction wiʼ them, and waitit for a gude openin to gie him up to them, whan the crood wadna be aboot.
7Noo the Day oʼ the Sad Breid cam, whan the Pasche wad hae to be sacrifeecʼt.
8And Jesus sent oot Peter and John, sayin, “Gang forrit, and mak ready the Pasche for us, that we may eat oʼt.”
9Than speirʼt they at him, “Whaur wad ye that we soud mak ready?”
10And he said to them, “See! as ye gang intil the citie, a man sal meet ye, cairryin a watir‐cog; follow him to the hoose whaur he gangs.
11“And ye sal say to the gudeman oʼ the hoose, ‘The Maister says, Whaur is the place whaur I may eat the Pasche wiʼ my disciples?’
12“And he will schaw ye a lairge laft; mak aʼ ready; thar prepare ye.”
13And gaun aff, they faund as he had tellʼt them; and made ready the Pasche.
14And whan it cam to the time, he took his place, and the Apostles wiʼ him.
15And said to them, “Wiʼ great fainness hae I been fain to eat this Pasche wiʼ ye, afore my dool.
16“For I say tʼye, Nae mair eat I oʼt, till whatna time it is fulfilled iʼ the Kingdom oʼ God!”
17And, acceptin a cup, and giean thanks, he said, “Tak this, and divide it amang yersels:
18“For, say I tʼye, In naegate maun I drink, frae this oot, oʼ the frute oʼ the vine, till whatna time the Kingdom oʼ God may come!”
19And, takin a laif, and giean thanks, he brak it, and gied to them, sayin, “This is my body, that is gien for you; sae do ye, to remember me!”
20And iʼ the same way, the cup eftir supper, sayin, “This cup is the New Covenant, in my blude, that is to be teemed out for you.
21“But lo! the haun oʼ him wha is giean me up, is eʼen wiʼ me on the buird!
22“For the Son oʼ Man in vera deed gangs, eʼen as it has been markit‐doon for him; but wae for that man throwe wham he is deliverʼt‐up!”
23And they begude to speir amang their sels, “What ane it was, amang them, that wad do this thing?”
24And thar was a heart‐burnin amang them, as to whilk oʼ them soud be heighest?
25And he said to them, “The kings oʼ the nations hae rule ower their folk, and thae that hae pooer ower them are caʼd Benefactors:
26“But it isna sae wiʼ you; but he that is the greatest amang ye, lat him be as a younger ane; and he that rules, as gin he serʼt.
27“For wha is greater, he sittin at meat, or he that serʼs? Isʼt no he that sits at meat? But I am wiʼ ye as ane that serʼs.
28“Hoobeit, ye are thae that hae bidden wiʼ me in my temptations;
29“And I gie to you, eʼen as my Faither gies to me, a Kingdom.
30“That ye may eat and drink at my buird, in my Kingdom: and ye sal be on throns, wiʼ pooer ower the twalʼ tribes oʼ Israʼl.”
31And the Lord says, “Simon! Simon! lo, Sautan seeks ye, to riddle ye as wheat!
32“But I hae besocht for ye, that yere faith disna fail: whan ye hae turned again, lift up yere brethren!”
33But he said to him, “Lord! I am ready to gang wiʼ ye to dungeon and to death!”
34But he said, “I tell ye, Peter, the cock winna craw this day, till ye thrice deny that ye ken me!”
35And he said to them, “What time I sent ye oot, wantin purse, and wallet, and shoon — failed ye oʼ onything?” And they said, “Oʼ naething!”
36And he said, “But noo, wha has a purse, lat him tak it: and sae wiʼ a wallet. And wha hasna ane, lat him troke his mantle for a sword.
37“For I say tʼye, that what is putten‐doon maun eʼen be fulfilled in me: ‘And wiʼ law‐breckers was he coontit!’ for eʼen what is said oʼ me is made true.”
38And they said, “Lord! twa swords are here!” And he said to them, “It is eneuch!”
39And gaun oot, he gaed ower as he aft did, to the Mount oʼ Olives; and the disciples cam eftir him.
40And comin to the place, he says to them, “Be ye prayin, that ye come‐na intil temptation!”
41And he was pairtit frae them aboot a staneʼs cast; and he loutit doon on his knees, and prayed,
42And said, “Faither! gif thou be willin, pit this cup frae me! Yet, no my wull, but thine be dune!”
43And thar appearʼt till him an Angel frae Heeven, giean him strenth.
44And comin intil an agony, yet mair earnestly he prayed; and he swat as it had been mickle draps oʼ blude, faʼin doon to the grunʼ.
45And risin up frae prayin, and comin to the disciples, he faund them faun asleep wiʼ sorrow:
46And says to them, “Hoo soud ye be sleepin! Rise ye! and be in prayer, that ye enter‐na intil temptation.”
47And eʼen as he was speakin, see! a crood; and the ane caʼd Judas, ane oʼ the Twalʼ, comin afore them; and cam nar to Jesus to gie him a kiss.
48And Jesus says to him, “Judas! wiʼ a kiss wad ye deliver‐up the Son oʼ Man?”
49And thae aboot him, seein what was comin, said, “Lord! sal we smite wiʼ the sword?”
50And a particular ane amang them, strack the Heigh‐priestʼs servin‐man, and sned aff his lug.
51And Jesus said, “Thole ye as lang as this!” And, touchin the lug, he healed him.
52And, Jesus said to the Heigh‐priests and Captains oʼ the Temple, and the Elders, wha had come on him, “Cam ye oot as again a reiver, wiʼ swords and rungs?
53“Thoʼ I was wiʼ ye iʼ the Temple, day by day, ye raxt oot nae hauns again me. But this is yere ʼoor, and the pooer oʼ darkness.”
54And they grippit him, and led him awa, and feshʼt him intil the hoose oʼ the Heigh‐priest. Noo, Peter was comin eftir, far ahint.
55And they lichtit a fire iʼ the coort, and sat thegither; and Peter was for sittin amang them.
56But a particular servin‐maid, seein him sittin fornent the lowe, and glowerin on him said, “This ane too, was wiʼ him.”
57But he #22:57 Gin Peter failed, ony oʼ us may weel tak tent! Lat us learn no to boast.denyʼt, saying, “Wummun, I ken‐him‐na!”
58And syne, anither ane lookin at him, said, “Ye as weel, are frae amang them!” But Peter said, “Man, I am no!”
59And aboot an ʼoorʼs time eftir, anither ane insistit and threepit, sayin, “Oʼ a sooth, this ane was wiʼ him; for he is a Galilean!”
60But Peter said, “Man, I ken‐na what it is ye are sayin!” And noo, while yet he was speakin, the cock crew.
61And turnin his sel, the Lord lookit on Peter. And Peter mindit the word oʼ the Lord, hoo he said to him, “Or the cock craw this day, ye sal thrice utterly deny me!”
62And gaun oot‐by, he blirtit and grat.
63And the men that had Jesus bund, war mockin and ill‐treatin him;
64And, blindin his een, they war demanding oʼ him, “Prophesy! whilk ane cloured ye?”
65And mony things, in blasphemous speech, war they sayin to him.
66And whan it cam the dawin, aʼ the Elders war gaitherʼt thegither, baith Heigh‐priests and Scribes; and they took him tae their Cooncil, sayin, “Gin ye are the Anointit, tell us!”
67But he said, “Gin I soud tell ye, ye wad in naegate believe;
68“And gin I soud speir quaistens, in naegate wad ye answer me, nor free me.
69“But frae this oot, sal the Son oʼ Man be sittin on the richt haun oʼ the pooer oʼ God.”
70And they aʼ said, “Ye, than, are the Son oʼ God?” And he said, to them, “Sae ye say; for I am!”
71And they said, “Whatna need hae we oʼ mair testimonie? for we oorsels heard oʼ his ain mooth!”
Iliyochaguliwa sasa
Luke 22: SCO1904

Je, ungependa vivutio vyako vihifadhiwe kwenye vifaa vyako vyote? Jisajili au ingia
Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.