John 9
Ane that gets his sicht weel, and gies his testimonie weel.
1And as he gaed by he saw a man wha was blinʼ frae he was born.
2And his disciples speirʼt at him, “Maister! whase sin wasʼt? the manʼs ain sin, or his faither and mitherʼs, that he was born blinʼ?”
3Jesus answerʼt, “Naither his ain sin, nor his faitherʼs and mitherʼs; but for that the warks oʼ God soud be seen in him.
4“I maun do the warks oʼ him that sent me, while it is day: the nicht comes on, when man canna work.
5“While I am in the warld, I am the warldʼs licht.”
6Whan he had said this, he spat on the grunʼ, and made clay oʼ the spittle, and pat the clay on the blinʼ manʼs een.
7And bad him “Gang awa, wesh ye in the pool oʼ Siloam” (whilk means “Sent”). He gaed his gate tharfor, and weshʼt, and cam back seein.
8Than the neebors, and the folk that afore had seen him, and kent the beggar, said, “Isna this the ane that sat and beggit?”
9Some again, “It is he!” Ithers, “Itʼs like him!” Quoʼ he, “I am he!”
10Sae they speirʼt at him, “Hoo than are yere een unsteekit?”
11He answerʼt, and quoʼ he, “The man they caʼ Jesus made clay, and pat it on my een, and tellʼt me, ‘Gang yere ways to the Pool oʼ Siloam, and wesh ye!’ And I gaed and I weshʼt, and I gat my sicht.”
12And quoʼ they to him, “Whaur is he?” He said, “I ken‐na.”
13They fesh till the Pharisees the man that oʼ auld time was blinʼ.
14Noo it was the Sabbath, the day that Jesus wrocht the clay, and unsteekit the manʼs een.
15Ance mair the Pharisees speirʼt at him, hoo he had gotten his sicht? Quoʼ he, “He pat clay on my een, and I weshʼt — and I see!”
16Sae quoʼ some oʼ the Pharisees, “This man is no oʼ God, for he keeps‐na the Sabbath!” Quoʼ ithers, “Hoo can a man fuʼ oʼ sin do sic wunner‐warks?” And thar was contention amang them.
17Than said they again to the man that was blinʼ, “What say ye aboot him, sinʼ he has openʼd yere eʼen?” Quoʼ he, “He is a Prophet!”
18But the Jews wadna believe — anent the manʼs bein blinʼ, and winnin to his sicht — till they caʼd the parents oʼ him that had gotten his sicht.
19And they speirʼt at them, “Is this yere son, wha, as ye say, was born blinʼ? Hoo than is he noo seein?”
20His parents answerʼt, and quoʼ they, “We ken weel that this is oor son; and that he was born blinʼ;
21“But hoo he noo sees, or wha has unsteekit his een, we kenna: he is come to age; speir at him: he his ain sel wull tell ye.”
22Thir things spak the parents, for that they war fleyʼt oʼ the Jews; for the Jews had plottit amang theirsels, that gin ony man soud own him to be the Christ, he soud be putten oot oʼ the kirk.
23And sae said his parents, “He is come to age; speir at him!”
24Sae they caʼd back again the man that had been blinʼ, and quoʼ they to him, “Gie the praise to God! we aʼ ken that this man is no a gude man.”
25But quoʼ he to them, “Gin he be a gude man or an ill man, I kenna; ae thing I dae ken, that ance I was blinʼ, and noo I see!”
26And than again they said to him, “What wasʼt he did till ye? Hoo did he unsteek yere een?”
27He answerʼt, “I tellʼt ye juist e‐noo, and ye didna hear me! Why wad ye hear it ower again? wull ye be his disciples?”
28And they miscaʼt him, and said, “Ye are his disciple! but we are Mosesʼ disciples!
29“We ken that God has spoken to Moses; as for this ane, we kenna whaur he is frae!”
30The man answerʼt, and quoʼ he, “Why, here is an unco ferlie; that ye kenna whaur he is come frae, and yet he has unsteekit my een!
31“We ken that God hears‐na ill men; but gin ane worships God, and dis his wull, him he hears.
32“Sinʼ the warld begude was it neʼer heard that ony ane unsteekit the een oʼ a man born blinʼ!
33“Gin this man #9:33 The blinʼ man preached weel! Ane that is healed oʼ Christ kens the Healer! This man, in eftir days, wad be a sterk Christian!warna oʼ God, he coud do naething!”
34They answerʼt, and quoʼ they to him, “Ye war born in sin, oot and oot; and wad ye teach us?” And they cuist him oot.
35Jesus was tellʼt that they had cuisten him oot; and as sune as he faund him he says to him, “Dae ye believe on the Son oʼ God?”
36He answerin said, “And wha is he, Lord? sae as I may believe on him?”
37Jesus says to him, “Ye hae baith seen him, and it is he wha is speakin wʼye!”
38And he cryʼt oot, “Lord, I believe!” and he worshippʼt him.
39And quoʼ Jesus, “For judgment cam I tae this warld; that the blinʼ may see, and the seein be made blinʼ.”
40And thae oʼ the Pharisees that war wiʼ him heard thir words, and quoʼ they to him, “Are we blinʼ, as weel?”
41Jesus says to them, “Gin ye war blinʼ, the sin wadna be on ye; but noo ye say, ‘We see!’ yere sin is whaur it was!”
Iliyochaguliwa sasa
John 9: SCO1904

Je, ungependa vivutio vyako vihifadhiwe kwenye vifaa vyako vyote? Jisajili au ingia
Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.