Make Up Your Mind: 4 Decisions That Will Transform Your Walk With GodSmakprov

Make Up Your Mind: 4 Decisions That Will Transform Your Walk With God

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I Quit

"I choose to walk in victory over a victim mentality."

"I Quit" isn't just a statement of resignation from life's challenges but a decisive rejection of a path that leads to destruction—a path all too familiar and deceptively easy to tread. By quitting that wide path, you choose the narrow, sometimes difficult road that leads to life and victory in the Kingdom of God.

Quitting, in this context, means relinquishing the victim narrative that so easily entangles us. It's about refusing to let life's hardships define us and deciding to see ourselves as more than conquerors through Him who loves us. This isn't a passive resignation but an active choice to embrace our triumph in Christ—a triumph that Paul the Apostle speaks of in 2 Corinthians 2:14, where God always leads us in victory.

Here are four things you have permission to quit so you can begin walking in the triumph God has for you:

  1. I quit assuming things will go wrong: Refuse to default to negative expectations for life's outcomes. "The story of your life" isn't that your coffee spilled, you missed your flight, your husband left just like everyone else, or you got a negative doctor's report. The pains and aches we face in life are real, but they are not the whole story. If you are in Christ, the story of your life is that you were rescued, healed, made whole, and are headed to heavenly places with Jesus!
  2. I quit focusing on what I can't control: You can't control the hand you have been dealt in this life. You cannot control the family God has seen fit to place you in or the genetic predisposition He has given to you. You cannot control what others will do to you. You cannot control what the government or the stock market will do. But you can choose to control whether you will respond in faith or not and whether you will choose to yield to righteousness or sin. You've still got a choice, and you can choose to rejoice!
  3. I quit letting my hardships define me: Don't be so quick with the label maker! You don't need to identify yourself by your struggles or the labels others might place on you. If we aren't careful, a victim mentality turns to identity. It's easy to take your identity from life's brutality instead of God's activity. Here is your permission to quit! You do not have to be bitter because your life is. You can wear the banner of your true identity in Christ—loved, victorious, and purposed.
  4. I quit focusing on other people's lives: Resist the urge to measure your blessings against what others possess. Embrace gratitude for your journey and trust in God's unique plan for you. Whether you see your lot in life as beautiful or not, you can choose to say, "God, if this is what you gave me. I'm going to use it for your glory."

Examine the areas of your life where you've settled into the role of a victim. It's so easy to blame circumstances, others, or even God for our woes. Yet, the truth of the Gospel empowers us to rise above. We're reminded that our identity isn't rooted in our struggles or failures but in who we are in Christ—loved, called, and chosen. You can rise up and say, "I am in Christ. I am invincible in the will of God. There is a calling on my life. I have a future. I have so much to be thankful for. Hardships make me stronger. And my prize is knowing Jesus."

Thank you for coming on the journey! I pray you are leaving stronger and closer to Jesus than you came.
Much love,
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Make Up Your Mind: 4 Decisions That Will Transform Your Walk With God

Every day, we make 30,000 choices, shaping our lives decision by decision. In this four-day devotional, we're exploring the pivotal choices that shape our spiritual lives: walking in the Spirit over the flesh, embracing obedience in uncertainty, seeking God's presence over worldly pressures, and choosing victory over victimhood. We are learning that the thoughts we think and the decisions we make, make up the people we become.
